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Notcutts rant!

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I've just been to Notcutt's garden centre in Shirley, Birmingham and to my horror they are now selling chickens in their pet's department.

I did reserve judgement for about 3 seconds before seeing a sign that said each chicken would lay you 8- 10 eggs per week on average! :shock:

All the girls were warrens and seemed in good health but had a rather cramped run. There was no info on how to care for them anywhere and some of the houses they were selling had no perches or nesting boxes.

There were only 2 bags of layers pellets to buy, no poultry grit or red mite powder to be seen.

I'm afraid I had a little complain :oops:

I spoke to the manager who was very nice and explained my concerns. He admitted they knew little about poultry keeping but that they were selling lots of chooks as they are a popular pet!

He did listen to me and said he would remove the sign about the 8-10 eggs. I suggested they needed to provide a better overall service as people would expect to get their chicken supplies from there if they knew no better. He ageed. I also told him not to sell single chickens as they are a social creature he made a note of this.

I told him that I was a regular customer there and would be back to review the changes at a later date. I also suggested one of the staff goes on a chicken keeping course too.

I really hope it improves.

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I may well pop into Notcutts this next week or so Sarah so i will check up to see if they have changed anything.


Its mad to think that such a huge store where hundreds of people pass though every day can sell live stock without any background knowledge - it just makes you mad doesnt it! :x

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Right - where's my nearest Notcutts? We had one in St Albans when I lived there - Sheila, are you over your flu now? Maybe we should check it out!! :x


That is a downright disgrace that they are selling chickens without adequate supplies, information or support. Chooks are far more complicated initially than a cat or dog and I bet they don't sell those!! :evil:

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I do hope he took note and wasn't just paying you lip service. Are they a chain or an independant? if a chain, I'd be tempted to write/mail the head office with your concerns.


It's disgraceful that retail outlets can sell living creatures without the necessary knowledge to advise customers on their after care.


Good for you for speaking up.

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Well I went to Notcutts in Shirley with my boys this afternoon, bribed them with the chance to play in their playground for a bit!


No change re the signs. When I asked the assistant she explained that it was for chickens, not a single chicken and no-one else had questioned it. 3 chickens for sale. All were together in a clean if small pen scratching around in straw.


I'd agree with everything originally posted.


I'm going to ring their manager now, the boys were tetchy so didn't want to go into full rant there and then.


I also spotted 2 dead fish in their fish section. Yuk.

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Oh dear, that doesn't sound good :( . I suppose big chains think that they can muscle in on the growing trend for chicken keeping and make a fast buck without doing any homework or providing any support service for customers.

Good on you for raising it with the manager Moochoo & Goosey, lets hope that they pay attentention to what you say.

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I've just got off the phone to the Manager.


New signs have been ordered and are expected in store by Thursday. He confirmed I wasn't the first person to question the wording and agreed that it was misleading. He assured me that hens are sold in pairs hence 8-10 eggs per week.


He was concerned about the dead fish and was going off to have a look at the tanks and in the record book. They are 1 member of staff short today due to illness but said that wasn't an excuse for dead fish, tanks are meant to be checked every morning.


I also complained that one of their animal tanks was open and my 4 year old nearly ended up inside it and would have been rolling around in dirty shavings if I hadn't had my wits about me. This is also to be corrected as it was completely unnecessary.


Another visit next week I think!

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