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Been poorly for ages.....feeling really pathetic now...

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Why can't doctors give you magic medicine like they do when you're tiny and all you need is a cuddle from Mum and a day in bed?


Dragged myself to the doctor today - had to register...he measured and weighed me and declared that I should lose 'a pound or two' while I coughed my guts up. Grrr! Gave me antibiotics and I went back to bed but now I feel even worse! Just coughed up a bit of blood and that's sent me over the edge! Poor Richard can't cope..........


Cyber hugs please!

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Oh Henny Penny :(


Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon and you will start to improve, feeling ill is just pants isnt it? :(


Im sure Richard will manage somehow, men always find a way. It may not be the way we would do things but they get there in the end! :wink::lol::lol:


Lots of hugs xox

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Sorry that you feel so rough HennyPenny. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon. Don't worry too much about the coughing up blood. That always used to be considered a dreadful symptom because of the TB connotations, but TB is so extremely unlikely these days, far more likely that with all that coughing you've just ruptureda tiny blood vessel in your throat. Obviously if you're coughing up loads get advice, but a few specks aren't anything to worry about.


The weighing thing is all to do with a fun game that all GPs and Practice staff play called collecting QoF points...........I bet he asked you if you smoke as well :? . It's a bit tedious but it's how GPs earn their money these days, and we are heading to the end of the financial year :wink:

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:? Lose a pound or two??? I only met you once, but I don't think you qualify for that advice at all!! :shock: Ignore the silly person!


I hope you feel better soon. Coughs are horrible.

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Sometimes a bit of podge is good - someone crashed into the back of my car (I was only in 2nd gear) on a roundabout - he thought I had gone past and was trying to nip in between me and the car behind me. As a result, my car swung round tipped upside down and did a bit of breakdancing. I crawled out with a couple of scratches and bruises - the paramedics agreed that my blubber cushioned me (but I said had to lose weight because my blood pressure was high - they weren't surprised considering . . . actually they were really nice young fella's - if they had been ladies or older men maybe it would have gone down quicker :wink: ). But I will definitely have to go on lots of walkabouts when the weather gets better - chasing chickens will probably add to my exercise! My mum says I should stop eating so much, thanks mum, I really wondered why I was so fat! :roll:


At the moment my hayfever is getting well under way - I have a lot of bloody (literally - not swearing!) hankies from ruptured whatever it is that lurks up the black holes! Sounds like yours is probably sore from coughing, so try not to worry.


Hope you perk up soon and you are not missing anything by being indoors at the moment - Dr Kerry recommends staying snug indoors.


Regards, Kerry

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Oh, Honey, it's lousy when you're worn out like this, ; now dont laugh, try garlic, and loads of it; it's a purifier, and helps fight the chest bugs; you may smell like a parisian grocer, but you may start to feel better....

Bath in a big bath with eucalypt and thyme added, as well; you'll smell lovely, and it opens the airways;get as much rest as you can, proper rest, sleep in a/noon if you can, even for 30 mins, no tv,and get Richard to rub yr backin circles clockwise on you. it also helps open things upo and move them along. Guess who has a weakness in her lungs, and has had to learn to live with it??

Hope you feel better soon,

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Lots of healing vibes coming your way henny penny!


My Doctor once dared to question my weight. I think my face said it all, as he didn't mention it again. This coming from a man the size of a small country??!! :roll:


Hope you feel better soon and the antib's kick in over night.

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Thanks for the cyber cuddles and good advice guys! I was too ill after I posted my message yesterday to post again but I'm really touched that you all took the time to send me get well wishes!


Still feeling pants and still coughing up pink stuff but the fever seems to have broken so that must be a good thing.


Funny isn't it, how we all behave differently when we're ill- I need lots of attention and Richard just needs to be left alone......we're currently working on how to look after a poorly person in the style of their own choosing!! Still, he's taken the day off to look after me so that's made me feel better already!

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:( oh dear you do sound poorly, if you are coughing up blood it would be worth ringing you GP for a chat, most of them are happy to speak to you at the end of morning surgery, it is very common to cough up a small amount of blood mixed with all the horrible muck if you have a chest infection. I know how this feels it makes you feel terrible, take good care of yourself
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