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A fox attack then an afternoon in A&E....

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Blimey, what a day!


We had the second fox attack in less than a week this morning. I heard a squawk in the garden and rushed out to find Queenie's feathers all over the lawn. :shock: Fortunately Queenie was still in one piece but she was running around the garden pursued by the fox. :evil: Managed to chase the fox away and then bundle the girls back into the run. Looks like they'll be confined to barracks for a few weeks unless I am out in the garden with them :cry:


Then about half an hour later I was in the middle of lunch, with DD who is 3, when the phone rang and I heard those dreaded words: "Is that Mrs McCarthy? Its your son's school here...".


DS, who is 6, had had a serious collision in the playground and cut his head open just above his eye. I couldn't believe it when I aw it - looked horrific. And I was also presented with a blood stained shirt that they'd made him change out of :shock::shock:


So off we went to A&E. We were there for five and a half v...e...r...y... long hours. Turns out the cut was really deep, he had head injuries and possible trauma to his eye. Lots of tests, dozens of different doctors and they decided it couldn't be glued back together, but he would need stitches.


Poor poppet was SO brave - he had an incredible 5 lots of local injected straight into the wound. And that's when I fainted :oops::shock: Yes - really. And I have always prided myself on being totally unfazed by needles, blood etc. etc. So now, DS is in the middle of having deep tissue stitches, I am out cold on the floor, and DD who was already pretty freaked out by the whole thing starts screaming.


What a nightmare! I just got home and OH put the pair of them to bed. DS woozy but fine; DD shattered, and me about to sit down with a large glass of wine and a block of G&B to recover from it all :wink: After I've checked on the chooks of course....


Here's to a better day tomorrow :?



Cookie. xx

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Oh goodness :shock:

You poor things - you must all be exhausted :?


A couple of years ago Cleo ran around the corner of a building at school,straight into a bigger child ,also running around the corner,whose teeth went right into her head at just below hairline level.

She needed lots of stitches & went into shock......he lost 3 teeth the day before he was best man at his parents wedding.


Theres a moral in there somewhere :lol:

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Oh Cookie, I couldn't quite decide whether to laugh or cry at your account of your day. What a traumatic day for all of you. Talk about a glass of wine.... after a day like that I'd be sinking the bottle :shock:

I hope tomorrow's better, that everyone, Queenie included recovers from the events of the day.... and that Foxy is struck down by mange :roll:

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Firstly, Cookie, so sorry to hear that you had such a dreadful day. Poor son, hope he recovers quickly. Must have been really scary all round.

Looks like they'll be confined to barracks for a few weeks unless I am out in the garden with them :cry:


Secondly, Cookie, the fox will be back I know it's horrible to change what you do, but they'll only be safe in the run from now on. OK, if you're standing next to the chooks in the garden with a broom, but then, the phone rings, child needs you indoors.....before you know it there'll be a 3rd & fatal attack. Once a fox knows there's easy food, it won't leave it, & humans are little deterrent for some urban foxes. Take care!


Finally, I really wish you all the best, for a lovely relaxing w/end, for you, OH & children & lovely chooks. Tomorrow can only be better. I hope so! :D



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Poor you Cookie! Hope your boy bounces back, (and that the chook is OK of course). How embarrassing to faint!

I agree with Shiela. Maybe you need to invest in some kind of fox deterrent, as he will definitely keep coming back...didn't Revnev have some kind of sonic device? I've heard that if a man "marks the boundaries" as it were... :oops: the scent puts the fox off....would the neighbours see? :roll::lol:

Anyway, have a better weekend!

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...... I've heard that if a man "marks the boundaries" as it were... :oops: the scent puts the fox off....would the neighbours see? :roll::lol:

:lol: Whilst there may be some truth in this, I wouldn't rely on it as the sole method, you'd find out the hard way if it didn't work.

Hope the sun's shining on you today, Cookie. 8)

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Cookie, just caught up with your trail of awful events and want to send my hugs to you all. What a Frank Spencer of a day eh?!!


Similar happened to me at aged 11 at school. We were playing 'tick on lines' (you know, following the football pitch lines around the playgorund) and I collided with a much bigger boy and ended up with a big tooth mark in my head, and knocked his tooth out completely. :D bit like Sarah's daughter :roll:


All in a days work I guess :wink:

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I agree with Sheila, I think supervised play is probably all you can let them do out of the run for a while at least until Mr Fox realises he has no chance. Once they get the idea there's a meal going begging, they will return until it's made clear to them they've got no chance. Do you have room for a electric fencing?


I'm so sorry to hear about your day, it's awful when your children get hurt and you can't really make it better. When my baby brother broke his arm (on my watch :oops: ) I think I felt worse than he did about it. HOpe today is a happier day!

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Thank you for all your lovely replies - you are all so sweet and kind :D8) Pats on the back and slabs of G&B all round :lol::lol:


The hens are fine - bit grumpy at being shut up on such a nice and sunny day, but they had a little pootle around while I cleaned them out, and then were bundled back in the run. Gave them a pasta treat this afternoon which went down well :lol:


And DS is doing well too. Kept him dosed up on painkillers today, and he has a WICKED black eye! He insisted we take photos of his wound to email to the grandparents - what a charming boy :wink: .


DD, who is 3, anounced this afternoon that she is going to cut her head open and have stitches just like that when she goes to school.... :shock::shock::shock:


Love to all,

Cookie. xx

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