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Just had my ears pierced

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Yay! Don't forget to dab your ears every day with surgical spirit. I was 13 when I had mine done, one of my best days ever :D

When I was 19 I got my left ear pierced again while I was down in Gillingham so my mum wouldn't shout at me. That hole has now healed.

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I had mine done when i was about 19 i think, maybe 18.


18 i think. I never liked them before then, but i ONLY EVER , wear pearls. I dont like any other type of earrings, i think the look funny on me.


I have a tattoo though, its 'Seth' in Carl baratts hand writing, on the front of my wrist. It actually looks pretty, very dainty.


However, as i hate change, it took some getting used to. and i regretted it the next day as i wa unsure, I love it now tho.

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Well done!

I had a second ear pierced at the same time as my daughter aged 9 had both ears peirced so we could "bathe" and "look after" each other. We did this until it came to changing the earrings. Drama struck and we never got them back in her ears!

I also had to take my step daughter to have her belly pierced. :vom: That healed up and we won't be going there again!

However, OH and I are planning tattoos!

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Well done chickencam, you can buy lots of lovely earrings now. I found it highly addictive:


I got my first ear piercing at 11, second at 13, third at 15, top right ear at 20, cleaned all of these using salt water and cotton wool, no problems at all - belly button at 22, tongue at 24. I think that's it for me regarding piercings as I'm 32 now and havn't felt the urge anymore.


I started on the tattoos from age 23. Rose on my right boob, ivy round my belly button (hurt), a poinsetta (sp) on the top of my back and most lately a flower design on my foot from big toe across foot ending beneath the ankle (very very painful, would not recommend!)

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I had a tattoo 4 years ago when me and the ex OH called it a day. I had felt very stifled for years and years so wanted to do something that was just for me. I am still chuffed to bits with it. It's on my bum and is a cat stretching up as if it's on a scratching post :lol: "Ooops, word censored!"ody else gets to see it, but that suits me just fine.

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Well done! How exciting - lots of lovely new earrings to buy.


I had mine done for my 5th birthday because that was the youngest the jewellers would do them. My younger sister had hers done when she was 2, in the hairdressers as I recall, but I think there was a trend of very small children having them done back then! DD aged 4 hasn't mentioned it yet.

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I lost lots of weight (5 stone) and discovered for the first time in my life I had hip bones :oops::wink:


I had a very small chinese symbol tattooed on my right hip. I like it. Would never get another one as it hurt like mad. It is discreet and no one else sees it. Well, not many people :wink::wink:

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Well done chickencam, you can buy lots of lovely earrings now. I found it highly addictive:


I got my first ear piercing at 11, second at 13, third at 15, top right ear at 20, cleaned all of these using salt water and cotton wool, no problems at all - belly button at 22, tongue at 24. I think that's it for me regarding piercings as I'm 32 now and havn't felt the urge anymore.


I started on the tattoos from age 23. Rose on my right boob, ivy round my belly button (hurt), a poinsetta (sp) on the top of my back and most lately a flower design on my foot from big toe across foot ending beneath the ankle (very very painful, would not recommend!)


You sound like me. I've gradually let all mine go though. two in my belly didnt feel worth keeping when my stomachs racked with stretchmarks. A lot of th eones in my ears I wool out when I go married and never got round to putting back in. If I ever had themoney I would be tempted to redo them all to claim a little bit of the mad me that I was pre 'normal' husband.

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ED can't sleep she is really scared that her long hair will get caught all around them and rip them out overnight.


She is a worrier and I expected her to wimp out this morning but she really wanted them doing.


Hey ho first night of 6 weeks she might be a bit grouchy tomorrow or for the next 6 weeks :(


Off to bed myself now, no ill affects so far but I like to sleep on my side so we will see :roll:


Can't wait to buy earrings, it's my birthday next Saturday and OH took kids out this afternoon to buy things I wonder what :lol:

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Had my ears pierced the first time when I was 1 year old. :shock::evil:

Had them done loads of times when I was at school, got loads of holes in my right ear! :roll: Wish they'd all heal up now, but they won't. :(


My daughter got hers doen in Feb thsi year for her 10th birthday.

She's chuffed to bits. 8)

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Both my girls had their ears peirced when they were about 10, & Cleo has just has a second one done in each of her ears as her birthday pressie.

She is now campaining forher tummy to be done :roll:

I actually think tummy piercings are cute,but not on a 13 year old - she will have to wait until she is at least 16.

Of my 2 girls she,the youngest,is the adventerous one & I know she will have a tattoo one day too. I don't mind,but think she should have the ink that fades away after 5 years first,to see how she likes it :?

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I had my ears pierced at 17 for the first time.


When I was a student nurse a fellow student did me another piercing whilst we were on night duty together.


The third I did myself. :oops::oops::oops:


I also have nose and belly button piercings and 3 small and discreet tattoos (lizards on right shoulder, flower on right ankle and ying-yang motif at the base of my spine).


I do not regret any of them, but that is enough now.


Lets not mention the barefeet and ankle bells of my hippy days! :lol::lol::lol:

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