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I feel terrible today... Woke up some ungodly (3am I think) hour in the morning, felt sick, went back to sleep, woke up 2 hours later, felt even worse, couldn't sleep. Now I feel really really bad and can't sleep, and I keep on being sick too. :( I think I got food poisoning from dinner (that I cooked!) last night :(

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It might be a bug - Cleo had it a week or so ago.

Poor little thing was in the bathroom,feeling sick. I came in to use the loo, so she sat on the edge of the bath.........& passed out cold,backwards into it :shock:

There was I, mid abloution, balancing her in one had to stop her hitting her head on the edge :lol:


I was shouting at her, to try & bring her round,still on the loo &, get this, Hubby heard but didn't bother coming to see what was going on :twisted:


Men - Humph!

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It might be a bug - Cleo had it a week or so ago.

Poor little thing was in the bathroom,feeling sick. I came in to use the loo, so she sat on the edge of the bath.........& passed out cold,backwards into it :shock:

There was I, mid abloution, balancing her in one had to stop her hitting her head on the edge :lol:


I was shouting at her, to try & bring her round,still on the loo &, get this, Hubby heard but didn't bother coming to see what was going on :twisted:


Men - Humph!


My goodness Cinnamon!!! That must have been quite a scene...

Good that Cleo didn't smack her head, the bath is not the softest place to land!!!


Get well soon Fred... Whatever caused it, poisoning or bug, feeling sick is a dreadful feeling...

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Get well soon - the bug was around here - the hospital had to close down (although outpatients was still open). My old folks and OH had letters to make arrangements a couple of months down the line.

Just plenty of rest and sip water little and often. I think Lucozade is supposed to be good - glucose to keep strength up and mineral bits, and the fizzy is supposed to be good for tummy. Apparently flat Coke is supposed to be good too.

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Glad you are feeling better Fred :D:D:D:D


My poor DS has got 'man flu' at the mo :roll:


Hey Man FLu is a recognised condition - or at least for me it is :lol:


Hope yoiu are back to normal Fred :D


I've been rough as anything for nearly two weeks and still my nose is running, throat sore and now it's going to my chest and I'm getting a cough :( I can't sleep properly and can't afford any time off at the mo on the sick


Need to find someone to pass this on to - any takers?




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