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Wish me Luck

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Wish me luck (cheeky I know), but I am going in to hospital at noon and am very nervous. I had a laparoscopy just over 2 years ago and they have left me with problems. "Ooops, word censored!"ody picked up on it until late January this year, when I changed doctor and he took notice of what I was saying and looked at it (something everybody else, including the original consultant chose not to do - even in January this year when I said again- , despite me repeatedly saying I though something was wrong). I have 2 very nasty infections which 5 courses of antibiotics (since Jan) have failed to clear, they think the stitches may not have dissolved and they think there is a sinus running through (ie a tunnel). This also explains why my tummy has been so swollen for such a long time, and why I have been so tired all the time. I think I am nervous because they are really are not sure what they are going to find. They don't know how big a scar I will be left with (my poor tattoo!). I'm sure it will all be fine but I am a big baby when it comes to these things. I had a reaction to the anaesthetic last time as well. Also I have to be last on the list because of the infections so I will be twiddling my thumbs getting more worked up.


Sorry to come on here with my worries :oops:

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going into hospital is a frightening experience. I guess it's too late to wish you luck as I assume you've had the op so I hope it all went well and let us know how you are when you can. Thinking of you.



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Poor you. You have my support, I loath hospitals, and esp having my plumbing fiddled with!

Look after yrself, if you can pm me when you're able, I may have a couple of mags you can peruse from the sofa!!

ie Homefarmer, and one called Glamour!! there's a mix :lol:

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