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I'm BAAACK & Saddle Sore

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OK it has been a lovely few days at Center Parcs with James - I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would but OMG MY BUM HURTS!!! I'm sitting on a cushion now and I'm very uncomfortable. Its because I spent a fair bit of time (OK first time in 20 years). Riding one of these....


2422538739_91be950295.jpg(BTW James took this picture!)


Whilst pulling one of these....



And then foolishly I went and rode one of these......



That horse was apparantely 19 hands! Boy the ground was a long way off and this was for a beginners ride! There was a bloke there who got a smaller horse, apparantly mine had a bad hip so couldn't take the real "heavyweights" Which made me feel pretty happy - the main reason I went riding was because that was one of the many many things I couldn't have done before I lost the weight.


Oh and we saw a lot of animals, deer, ducks, geese, swans, moorhens, rabbits, peacock, pheasants, Tits, Wagtails, Chaffinches (only knew what they were because we've had one in our garden recently). ALL below our balcony eating the food we threw down! In fact this chap seemed to like his crisps as much as I used to!


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I wondered when you were back - I have been envying your trip all week!

Glad you had a good time. Its fab isn't it?


I have just been booking up treatment & activities for our trip in a months time.

And I am delighted that they now have Starbucks in each Parc - Yay! decent coffee for Breakfast!!! :P:P:P


Great photos too 8)

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Yikes that horse is HUGE :shock: looks very high up! :anxious:


Glad you had a lovely time, it looks very nice and what a fab photo James took - he's very clever!


We have one of those bike carts...........for the dog :oops: she sits in it when we go on long cycle rides! People get the shock of their lives when they peep in thinking its a baby and see the fangs of a german shepherd grinning back!!! :lol:

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Oh dear! sorry to hear about your bum... I get like that sometimes too, even with my special wide saddle. Still think of the calories you must have burnt on that bike.


You look like a queen on that beautiful horse. I love shires.


Where did you go? it seems like the ideal place to take my boys for a UK holiday.


Cute little neighbours too...! :wink:

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Its funny really about the photography - he loves playing with cameras and often uses my Dad's old tripod (That thing must be about 60 years old!) and pretends to be taking pictures. When I worked in the old school I used to bring their cameras home for him to have a go with.


I sometimes let him use my camera but he just isn't as careful as I would like, it was quite an expensive camera. My old one is never used but is really too small for his little hands - he needs something chunkier.


I want to get him his own childrens digital camera but they are VERY expensive. He has been promised one in the summer - my plan is to order one to be delivered to my cousins apartment in Brooklyn so it is waiting for him when we have our day trip to NY - him and Mum are spending the day there whilst I SHOP SHOP SHOP!!!

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Welcome back Pengy! -looks like you had a really good time :D


Was it the beginners Pony trek you went on. Anita and me have looked at the activities brochure this week but as we've both never ridden a horse before we were put off by the pony bit - I want to ride a horse not a shetland :lol:


Four weeks to go now and can't wait :D




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It was the Beginners trek - that was no shetland! His name was Frankie.


It was also FREEZING - there was an artic wind and I didn't warm up for hours after!

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