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Which will come first?

Which will come first?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Which will come first?

    • Martin's Eglu
    • Gina's Baby

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Does this mean that if Gina has a boy she'll have to call him Martin? Or Martina for a girl? :shock::D


It's all too much excitement to take in on one day. :D

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Best of luck Gina, hope everything goes well :D:D


When Harry decided to arrive it was so fast we only just got to the hospital and we only lived 5 minutes drive away :shock::shock:


Juliette was a different matter, we had a couple of false alarms and she was a couple of weeks late and weighed in at a very healthy 9lb 4ozs :shock::shock: (She takes after her dad :wink::wink: )


PS Is this the first Omlet baby??? He/she will have lots of 'aunties and uncles'



Very, very, very best wishes for a safe and speedy arrival

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Martin, I'm so pleased you are finally getting your Eglu tomorrow. I bet you won't sleep a wink tonight. Lots of photo's please :D


Debs - I think Diana's baby will put in an appearance before mine. I've no idea what I'm supposed to feel, so these aches I'm getting could just be an upset tummy!


I'm off for a bath though - just incase. Can't have hairy legs can I :wink::lol:


Does this mean that if Gina has a boy she'll have to call him Martin? Or Martina for a girl? :shock::D


I do think the world of Martin, Grd....but I think 1 is enough :wink: Could the forum cope with two Martins?!

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Gina, seriously, I spent the first 24 hours with mild tummy crmping before Duncan was born - late in the evening they started to get stronger and we went to the hospital.


Go have a bath and try and rest up!

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Its so exciting!

I remember those aches...went on for ages and I got so used to them I forgot about them until things started to gallop (well, crawl, really, as Lauren (3 of 5 - our first child!) took 3 days to arrive.





Its really nice out here too, and a lovely mummy and daddy waiting to meet you, and all your Omlet aunties (and uncles) need some sleep, so come on, little'un!

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Just logged on this morning for a quick update..... no sign of Gina, but then it is early and lie in would be good (there won't be too much opportunity for many of those in the next few years :shock:), so I won't read too much into her absence at the moment.

*fingers crossed very tightly*

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Thank goodness I know Martin is getting his Eglu today :D Does he have to shave his legs too :shock::wink:


I feel like I'm going through the process too :D , great when you've had no children. Another great thing about the forum 8)


Come on Gina

Come on Gina


There boy or girl :wink::D



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Still here guys :roll: UGH!!


Been up in the night, and thought,...'this is it...!!'


but, alas.....it seems not.


New tactic today......just going to forget I'm pregnant :lol:



Martin, I hope all goes well with your delivery today :D Don't forget to change your signature

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Morning Gina :D When my daughter was 10 days late with Lauren, I walked her all around the village. We found roads and pathways we didn't even know existed - and she had to go into hospital 4 days later with big blisters all over her feet :oops:


We just need to hear from Diana now then?


These two babies are in no hurry are they? :roll:


Does eveyone elses morning now start with "just a minute - I have to see if Gina or Diana has had their baby" ? - to be met with :shock::?:roll:

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Morning Lesley...how are you?


....she had to go into hospital 4 days later with big blisters all over her feet :oops:


I know what not to do then! My feet are so swollen I can't actually get any shoes on! Been wearing Darren's slippers to go shopping in.



Does eveyone elses morning now start with "just a minute - I have to see if Gina or Diana has had their baby" ? - to be met with :shock::?:roll: [/color]


I keep checking myself too, incase I missed it in my sleep :roll:

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I'm still here - no twinges. I'm going to finish tidying the shed then tackle the oven. :roll: I've just had my pineapple. :D


I should be in my artists studio completing a sculpture of a bull but I have so little motivation. :(


Might go shopping with my mum. :D


I think Gina will be first - I have to log on to find out the latest. I will remember this birth as the one where I was forever checking the Omlet forum. :!:

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Good idea Gina to just forget you're pregnant. That's what I was getting at really, trying to distract yourself. Not easy I know!


For both of you, every day is really a day nearer. You don't know when the day will be, but it is getting closer all the time.The number of days left is getting smaller as well. It won't be long now! :D

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