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Ex-Batt Update- Edgie's got new clothes!

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Dont they look fantastic all together? Edgie is still bottom of the heap but life is good for the ex-batts!


Edgie's new feathers!!


Waiting for treats by the gate.



Rehoming the Ex-batts is the most rewarding thing I've done for a good long while, sorry the pics are so rubbish but I'm sure you can all see how well they have integrated with the other chooks.

Now, what do I do with 5-7 eggs a day...?

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Rehoming the Ex-batts is the most rewarding thing I've done for a good long while,......





couldn't agree more! ;) Great to see them living life as they should be!

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The photo of them all stood by the gate is absolutely lovely :lol: It's like they are all waiting to go out to play for the afternoon :lol:.


Well done you for doing something so worthwhile. I've never rehomed ex batts but I've had plenty of other rescued creatures over the years and they never fail to make you cry, smile and laugh. It really is a lovely feeling when you can see the difference you have made to them :lol:

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Was wondering how Edgie was doing and whether you'd needed to make her any more clothes. Glad to see she's now got her own, though she could still do with some knickers :shock: (as could three of mine - better get a move on with winter coming!).


I feel exactly the same about my little ex-batt adoptees. Watching them all come running to greet me and romping freely around the garden definitely gives me the warm fuzzy feeling of having done something right :D


Ex-batts - highly recommended :D

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It's great to see them with feathers. I've had mine 3 and a half weeks and the feathers are just starting to sprout on three of them.


How long did it take you to integrate them? I've only just got the two braver ones to go from the run into the garden. My two little ones are still not brave enough to venture out, or take on the other chickens.

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Thanks everyone- I kept them in their run+ext for 2 weeks then let them all out together. Slash and Bizmillah had a Cockerel fight but apart from that it was all quite easy really. They all lay eggs in whatever eglu is free and at night they toddle off to their respective eglus (egli?) they share food quite readliy and all come running when I call.

I'll try to take some better pics soon, but I just wanted to update you all esp on The Edge's progress, she is such a character, tries to fly up into my arms for a cuddle and sits on my boot for a lift around the garden.

I am glad I got the hybrids as I learned alot with them, but I'm a total convert to ex-batts now :wink:

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