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The Weather Thread

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Well its a grey, miserable morning here and its foggy but its great because my ES has just got back from his driving test and he's finally passed - only 1 minor :dance:


He's just gone out for his first solo drive to pick his girlfriend up.


I can feel an ulcer starting already :wink::D


Hopefully the sun will make an appearance at sometime today although I think that is wishfull thinking.

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Pea souper here today.

I have just done a 20 mile round trip to sort out Cleos broken braces :roll: & couln't believe the amount of people driving with no lights on :twisted:

they probably think they have that 'inner glow' from eating Readybrek...


still can't see Oxfordshire through the fog - nor the A4 - luckily I don't have to go out until this evening...

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I can't see you on a clear day, Claret! Far too many hills :D


although, when we get the loft conversion done I'll be higher up :think:


:lol: we can wave to each other from our attics!


Seriously, the fog seems to be getting worse and the poor sun still can't cut through it.


Tell you what fowlbird, I'm thinking of organising a midlands meet in the better weather - I'll let you know when that's on and we can all meet up properly then. although we'll have to get a shoehorn to Cinnamon to get her out! :lol:

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oooooooooooh... :) that sounds good!


I have a shoehorn to use on Cinnamon but it's only a tiny one from a xmas cracker :lol:


she always sounds too busy to leave the house :think:


edit: forgot to mention the weather


still foggy and quite cold but despite it all a pair of bluetits seem to be nest building in the tit box beside the window next to my desk :D


don't they know Feb 14th is the date for that?

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