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Birthday cake no more!

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Just arrived home to find that the dog (springer spaniel) has eaten my son's birthday cake in its entirety. The cake was the chocolate slab one from Tesco's with smarties, rolos, munchies, maltesers etc all over it with enough for about 12 people. Bruno (dog, not son) had managed to extract it from inside knotted plastic bag, opened cardboard box and then shredded foil tray. The birthday isn't until Wednesday, so will need to replace it tomorrow!



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Did you laugh or cry? :?:lol:


When I was in secondary school my christmas chocolate log won first prize in the class competition. When I brought it home our black lab nicked it out of the basket that I (foolishly) left on the floor - she ate the lot, including the plastic holly and robin. I cried :cry:


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I didn't laugh tonight - I tried really hard just to ignore the dog and not make a big fuss. This afternoon the chickens had a corn on the cob and Bruno managed to grab the remains of it (no corn left on it) ate it and then threw up!


A fortnight ago I left half a bag of flour sitting on the kitchen worktop and when I went through later on, he had dragged it onto the dining room carpet and thrown it all over the place. I stopped that time to take pictures of the mess. He certainly knew then that he had gone too far!


He is a really well behaved obedient dog most of the time - it was partly my fault, I should have put the cake away more carefully. He normally sleeps in my son's room, but tonight will be sleeping in the kitchen, just in case!



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A friend of mine has a retriever who wolfed down a bar of Green & Blacks chocolate. 10 out of 10 for good taste 0 out of 10 for good sense! The Vets Bill made it the most expensive bar of chocolate that my friend had ever bought!

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Your dog sounds like mine! MD was on and on at me to try carrot cake, just for once I cheated and bought one - dog ate the lot, box n'all. About three weeks ago I took a 3lb lump of bacon out of the freezer to defrost and boil, couldn't find it later one, dog had eaten the lot again, AND it was still half frozen - a bacon lolly!

She had a bit of a runny tum the next day :vom:


Mrs B


edited as I have remembered that this is the dog that PERSISTENTLY tries to eat the cat food and has, on occassion, also eaten the plastic bowl it came in. She's also eaten SM's dinosaur toys and most of her bed. Not as bad as my friends black lab - he's eaten bmost of the kitchen, and in a bid to get out he ate the cat flap and the back door until he made a dog-sized hole in the door!! :shock:

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They are crackers aren't they? I once remember my dad giving bits of biscuit to our lab. She was so intent on gobbling up the treats from his hand, that when he picked up the little shovel from the fireside companion set she also grabbed that! It still makes me laugh when I think about it - the bewildered look on her face when her teeth clanged on the shovel and she couldn't eat it! :shock::lol::lol:

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We used to have a golden retreiver, Jessie (RIP), who would eat absolutely ANYTHING... one morning I popped up to the shop and accidentally left a big tub of Clover on the side - she ate the whole tub, including the plastic carton and then vomited it all back up on the hall carpet. We never did get the stain out... had to replace the carpet in the end!

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:D What is it with Labs :?:


Honey, [RIP] ate my MILs apple pie and the pyrex plate it was on plus anything else that we had forgotton to put out of reach.

Eventually I decided to lock her in the stable when we had to go out.........she ate a 5ft

fluorescent tube :!:


Funniest [but not at the time] was when Sophie, our Weimaraner X ate ALL 3 of the rear seat belts in the back of our brand new Citroen Picasso. AND I had paid for a PROPER

dog guard :!: Cost me £300 to replace.......and it was my DSs' dog! [We kept the dog when he got a wife, she's cheaper to keep :roll: ]


Jackiex (brown eglu)

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I'd love to have seen the expression on the dog's face when you got home !! "cake, wot cake?"


I had a friend whose dog ate pair of knickers and a five pound note - at the same time! :shock: I won't dare mention what they looked like when at last they appeared (knickers only I might add) !! :lol:

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Sorry it is quite funny.


Jasdog ate a bag of 40 breath fresh chewy bars one day. His poo was luminous green the next :vom::lol:


Andyman's boxer used to be able to jump up and open the living room door. She got in one Christmas her & George (jack russell) ate all the presents under the tree that contained any kind of food. :doh:

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Oops, sorry to hear about your cake - hope Bruno isn't too poorly!


My OH has a story about his springer spaniel ruining his 8th (?) birthday party. Him and his friends were playing party games in the front room and doggy jumped up on to the table in the dining room and ruined his birthday tea that was all laid out.....


OH cried and kicked the dog which then bit his foot and he had to be taken to A&E (OH, not the dog). Needless to say the party was well and truly over by that point! :roll::lol:


I think the same dog also devoured a bag of sugar :shock:

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In some ways it's comforting to hear that mine aren't the only thieves & scoffers of inappropriate items! :roll:


Came down one morning to discover a packet of dry pasta and 2 packs of sultanas had been snaffled. Poor Daisy in the cage must have been very miffed, but basked in the glory the other two did not share! :shameonu:


Usually find the remains of wrappers under the table, then have to work out what was in them! Still haven't found the practically empty flora tub which went missing on Sunday whilst I was out collecting my second eglu....


Previous black lab Rosie (RIP baby xx) ate a metal tube of Betnovate cream - found the plastic top and the crimped end. Spent the next couple of hours tracking down some human grade paraffin to "ease" it's route out - fortunately she liked the oil & everything flowed nicely for a few days :vom: !!


This morning, they had taken down a pack of jamjar lids - which were intact fortunately, so a run through the dishwasher will get them ready for potting later today!! - but had left an open packet of Cornish wafers on the top (different worktop). Where's the logic in that? :doh:


Will I ever learn to put everything away...whether it's edible or not?! :wall:


Sha xx


p.s. And yes the little angels DO get fed, twice a day plus all the chook "treats" they collect during the day :vom::vom::vom:

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They are nuts, aren't they?


My previous lurcher was terrible (the Lur in their name is Romany for thief) and loved to steal food, but was too well trained, so she was torn between her instincts and her training... the look on her face was priceless. We'll probbaly have fun with the new pup when she arrives :roll:


A new pup, Claret? What are you getting?

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They are nuts, aren't they?


My previous lurcher was terrible (the Lur in their name is Romany for thief) and loved to steal food, but was too well trained, so she was torn between her instincts and her training... the look on her face was priceless. We'll probbaly have fun with the new pup when she arrives :roll:


A new pup, Claret? What are you getting?


Another lurcher!!!! :D:D:D



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Must be a Lab thing my ED's ate through her baby changing bag

to get the yoghurt then ate the pot as well. He ate 3X£20 pound notes

she had got out to pay her hairdresser.

He has eaten whole loaves of bread tubs of low fat spread, there is no end

to the things that dog has eaten :!: she calls him garbage guts

she had to change her kitchen bin recently for one with a lock as

he is a persistant bin raider :)

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This thread has really cheered me up :) My current dog once ate a whole bowl of raw pizza dough :vom: Another dog Tilly (RIP) once totally trashed and ate most of a beautifully arranged child's birthday party tea whilst my back was turned for 5 minutes. She devoured hairbrushes, shoes, books, plastic toys nothing was safe when she was around :evil:



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