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I'm worried sick. Saturday update

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My brother who is quite a few years older than me has been unwell since the new year.

Everyone thought he was suffering from the awful norovirus.


Well about 2 weeks ago he went to his doctor again because he is still not well. He has had blood tests and an ultrasound and has seen a consultant today who has admitted him to hospital tonight.

He has a raised platelet count, he is severely anaemic, diarrehea (can't spell that) he has lost about a stone and a half in weight. He has no appetitie, no energy. The consultant has told him today that he has an intestinal blockage!!


I am so worried, he lives about 40 miles away from me, he lives on his own although he has some good friends close by. He has never been ill, he eats well and looks after himself.

I am thinking the worst. He is having an MRI tomorrow morning followed by surgery. He doesn't want me to go there at the moment I don't know what I will do if anything happens to him, I needed to write this because I feel like I might burst at the moment. Can you all cross everything tomorrow morning and pray that they do not find anything too sinister.


Thanks for listening (reading)



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so sorry to hear about your brother, it's good that he's otherwise fit as far as the op goes. If you want to go, take no notice of him and go anyway. There's nothing worse than fretting from a distance.


All the best and sending you lots of good vibes xxxx

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How very worrying, but if he;s been feeling unwell for a while then hopefully at least now he'll get the treatment he needs. Scary but at least he's being looked after. I really really hope it's something simple and easily dealt with, good luck to him tomorrow and do let us know how he gets on. Lots of love to you



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Thinking of you, and I agree with Poet, if you can get there, go & see him. He may be saying don't go, so you don't feel obliged to go, kind of reversed logic.


{{hugs}} to you both, Sha x


I agree, he might well be saying not to go so as not to put any pressure on you. If you need to go, then go.


Everything crossed and praying for good news.



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I do want to be there for him but he knows my family commitments. My daugther has an important meeting tomorrow which we both need to go to about sixth form and my son has his driving test and my mum is elderly, why does everything always have to be so complicated. It makes you feel that you are being torn in all directions.

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So sorry to hear about this. It's good that it's being treated so promptly and thoroughly. What a worry for you, and very hard when you can't simply drop everything to be with your brother. But he'll be needing you later on, won't he, and you'll hopefully be able to make arrangements to spend some time with him, and get some help with things your end to free you a little to do that.


Thinking of you



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Thankyou everyone for your kind words.


Thankyou Lisa for your message.


My OH isn't too far away from where my brother lives most days so that will no doubt be useful at some point. I'm hoping he will be able to stay at my Mum's for a while afterwards and we can look after him until he is stronger. Although my Mum is elderly she is a tough cookie.


As a family we seem to have had a lot of things like this happen over recent years, on the outside I cope but on the inside I feel very desperate and useless.

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