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One black araucana

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and another is pipping I think although not through the shell yet.


However poor Gemma has been turfed out left right and centre. I cleared out the nest left the surrounding aubiose that I had put in the droppings tray and emptied it into the composter. Looked down and think I saw a couple of walking red blobs so am now worried about red mite :vom: Have emptied out whole eglu and sprayed with disinfectant (not really effective for red mite I know), changed all the aubiose, sprinkled Gemma and the bedding with red mite powder (Barrier) and diatom. Hoping this will be okay. Will keep checking - I was a bit worried that Gemma was looking very pale :?


Anyway will post some piccies of new baby. She is very active now, let me help her drink from the lid with marbles in it. Has had loads of chick crumb (so has Gemma :D ). Hopefully we will keep the red mite under control. Eglu has been power sprayed in the corners so hopefully :pray:


Can you use Poultry Shield on an eglu?

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Lovely...did you listen to the remaining eggs?


We lifted them all up and couldn't tell a thing - a couple did feel lighter than the rest :? Then dh said that one was tapping - or maybe it was cheaping. Anyway put to my ear and I could hear a rythmic tapping so hopefully she or he will be out by tomorrow. Hope so otherwise little one will be all alone.


Not sure about the others. Tried to candle one down my top with a torch but afraid I couldn't do it very well so no chance whatsoever of knowing. :anxious:

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aaaaaawwww. The little chicky looks so " right" in the eglu with his mummy xxx



I hope you aren't right about the "his" bit :anxious::anxious:



Sorry, just used "his" as a "term", not a prediction of a cockeral.


I should have written his/her mummy x

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