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The Weather Thread # 4

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It's howling gales and on and off torrential rain here too. I've got the lights on inside - I need to go out but I really don't want to :( I've braved the garden to let the girls out because the rain is sideways and they're all drenched in the run, I'm hoping they'll make a bid for the greenhouse - have laid a trail of corn, but looking out, no, they're not that clever! :roll:



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Well the clouds are building up - all sorts, cirrus, cumulus and probably more. Just walked mumsie to her house and back - not necessary for a jumper, just t-shirt, although it was a bit chilly when the sun went behind a cloud or we walked in shade. Saw 3 buzzards riding the thermals and then looked down where I was walking to crunch in the leaves. :D

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