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Aunty e

Bad and Good News

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So I've not been on for a bit because my Dad (who is in his sixties and has had Parkinsons for thirty years) broke his hip quite badly. He's ok now, having had it replaced, but it was a bit horrible and means he won't be mobile for a while.




He and my Mum, who have been divorced for fifteen years, have decided to remarry. He's been living back at home for a couple of years now, but they've always assured me it was completely platonic. Big fat liars.


I get to be matron of honour, and make all the dresses, WOO!

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Great news Auntye


My mum and dad divorced when I was 15 (quite a few years ago) and got back together last year.


It was a big surprise


Neither of them are in the best of health but they are very happy being back together


Best wishes to you and your mum and dad :D

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Thanks for all your replies! They're getting married in May :shock:

So not very much time to get things organised, but I think it's going to be quite low key. Just bought them an engagement card, which was tricky because so few of them are appropriate for more mature/sophisticated couples (no glitter for my parents) and also because, well, I was buying an engagement card for my parents. Wierded out.


Poor old Dad is feeling ok in the hip, but is still a bit confused from the general on Tuesday. Talking rubbish and sleeping a lot mostly.

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