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The Dogmother

The Weather Thread # 7

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Lovely day here especially this afternoon, we escaped from work 15 minutes early and went to the allotment to harvest the pumpkins and butternut squashes. Also cleared all of the rubbish from around the brassicas. It was lovely to get outdoors for an hour. Very clear outside, it will be a cold one I think.

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Started well here and we had warm sunshine until about half an hour ago. We let the chooks out and set about cleaning their food and water bowls, suddenly there were huge raindrops falling and within 15 minutes it was black as night with thunder and lightening and torrential rain. Poor chooks , our little lone girl had to take shelter in her little house which was sitting in the middle of the lawn were we had abandoned it. :shock:

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After an iffy start it's been lovely today, so much that I was gardening in T shirt sleeves. Clouded over and got very black and just had a terrific storm, luckily had got back from walking the dogs by then!

That storm came our way too, caused the power to go off for a short time too. The wind with the storm was very strong.


Have a working day at the archery field today and heavy downpours are expected this afternoon possibly with thunder so that could be fun.



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We had the storm too, it absolutely hammered down! Got some lovely rainbow photos though.


At the moment we have blue skies, but it was raining heavily earlier and rain is predicted all day, on and off. I'm off down to the end of the road in a mo to cheer on David Weir (the Weirwolf!) in the Great Birmingham Run!

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