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Guest chookiehen


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Well, that's it - my beautiful baby girl, Caitlin took the big step this morning and started school. :cry::cry::cry::cry: She trotted in, quite delighted with life, didn't bother her backside (as did none of her friends) leaving a group of weeping mothers at the door.


The house seems very empty now....

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Its a big moment for you and for her.


At least you have got the hens and the forum to distract you. :lol:


Wait till your youngest leaves school....now that is a shattering moment.....although I have enjoyed walking straight past the uniform sections in shops these last couple of weeks!

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Oh Chooks :( . Horrible, isn't it but at least she went in happy and ready for her big day. When I used to work in the reception department of our local primary school, it was heartbreaking to see the children who were screaming and crying because their Mums had gone and left them at school :( . Caitlin will have a fabbo day :D .

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What a lovely photo :D She looks so excited to be starting school :D


I was a gibbering wreck with a tennis ball size lump in my throat and dark glasses on :wink: when each of mine started.


Put the kettle on, play loud music and prepare a space to put whatever creation she brings home with her :lol:


karen x

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What a lovely picture.


Gingham scrunchies....that takes me back.


Mine all marched in to school on their first day without so much as a glance over their shoulder at their mother. Its a good thing really. Far harder if they have to be torn from you.


Keep busy, make a cake, draw up your Christmas list. It will soon be home time and the hall will be full of discarded bags shoes and coats. You curse it but wouldn't have it any other way.


Cousin Egluntine.



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Shona, she looks very sweet with her bunches in :D . I think her big brothers look like her minders :lol: - very grown up.

I'm so enjoying having Anna back at school - she has verbal diarrhoea sometimes (bit like her mother!) and by the end of the holidays I felt as if her voice was drilling into my head :lol: .

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Poor you Shona


I still remember that day, sending them off to their first at school


I hope Caitlin and you have both had a lovely day, I bet you can't wait to pick her up to see how see got on

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She had a lovely day! They got thrown straight into school life, so had an assembly with the rest of school, and she even brought back a reading book for homework! The only thing that upset her slightly was that she didn't get to see her eldest brother Duncan, as the P5-7's play in a different playground, but Owen came and made sure that she was ok!


All of a sudden, I can see why my childhood was filled with hot scones and cakes after school - once the house is tidy(ish!) there's nothing left to fill your day with, other than baking! I've done a batch of scones and fairy cakes for eating just now, a batch of yorkshire puddings for the freezer and a sponge for my mum!


Heres hoping that tomorrow goes as smoothly! :pray:

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Oh, Shona, what a lovely photo :D:D

It's such a big step when they start school, and a big wrench, I remember waving bravely to both of mine as they marched into school for their very first days, then going home sobbing :oops::oops:

Glad to hear she enjoyed it, and what a fabulous big brother checking up on her :D:D:D

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