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So with our three adoptees, I decided to finally give in and order the extension I'd been thinking about for months. I'd wanted to give them more room, as they never come out as much in the winter (it's always dark when I get home), and seeing how cramped they were with the new girls made me bite the bullet and do it.


I ordered last week, and it arrived bang on schedule, dropped over my fence by the lovely couriers (well lovely to me). I finished up delivering Evie's kittens and in a warm glow of animal nurturing, decided to put the run extension up, in the dark, on Halloween instead of waiting until the weekend. Not the best decision I've ever made, as it's not all that much fun getting run clips on in the dark, but I managed in the end, helped by the really useful inclusion of cable ties in the bolts and screws bag.


I went out this morning, and realised I have Lord Snowdon's aviary in my back garden. It's so MASSIVE. I mean, it's great and all, but it just looks so big. Glad that I don't move the wretched thing around much. Was definately worth it though, and I never liked the rose bush in that spot anyway. I shall move onto part 2 of the great plan - the mezzanine levels- at the weekend.

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I wish Omlet would devote some design time to those :twisted: run clips - they are the bane of my (chicken-keeping) life. I've only just discovered the wonders of cable ties, and I think I might use those instead of clips next time I have to dismantle/remantle a run.


Please do post some pics when you can, Aunty E - I am debating whether to get a Cube and run in the spring for my expanded flock, or whether to build a permanent run, so I'd like to see just how big it is. Can you move it around with the extension on?

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I couldn't move it very easily when it was Cube + run + extension. Now it's Cube + run + extension + extension I've got no chance. Will take pictures tomorrow morning unless it's still light when I get home. My fingers are still bleeding in places. Ow. Had to buy two pairs of shoes to make myself forget about the painful fingers.

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I I've only just discovered the wonders of cable ties, and I think I might use those instead of clips next time I have to dismantle/remantle a run.



I used to use those too when I had my eglu run - the clips went in the bin on day one :evil: I found it so much easier when I wanted to clean the run - just snip the cable ties off and replace with new ones :D

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They look fantastic, I can't wait until my cube arrives. I'll show DH your pics as a hint for next year. He already thinks I'm mad, my birthday present was a rablu extension and the cube is for Christmas, I've already got extensions planned as next years pressie, and 2 chooks for an Easter pressie - what could be more appropriate.


Who says this chicken thing is an obsession :wink:


Your set ups look great, I love the shower curtains too.

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ooh, thanks for the pics Aunty E (and yours, Daniel) - it looks huuuuuge, but then so does my Eglu with the converter on. I don't think I'd be moving it around very often anyway, once it was all together.


It does look as if it gives lots of room, and more head-height (for chickens) than the Eglu run. I love the mezzanine floor!


PS I'm sure Aunty E will answer your question, but that looks to me very like the marvellous Ikea shower curtain which they sell for 99p!

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We (my Mum and I) can't get to Ikea as neither of us has a car so we decided that we would order the cheap shower curtains on line. We figured that we would get 5 each (for my hens and Mums aviary) to make it worth paying the postage but it turns out that you cannot order them on line. Typical!! :roll:



Does anyone know of anywhere else that does cheap clear shower curtains as we can only get ones with bright patterns on or they are not clear or they work out expensive. :?

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I've just received an Ikea clear shower curtain I bought off ebay £1.99 plus £1.50 p&p. It was as new still in it's wrapper. I remember there were quite a few on ebay. I tried the usual haunts, Woolies, Poundland, etc but no clear ones to be seen.


That's still a rip off! :shock: They are 99p in Ikea! :?:roll:

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Jay, I've got a spare one - pm me your address and I'll post it to you. Next time I go to Ikea (not planning to go in the next few weeks) I'll stock up, they are such a bargain.


It is a bit of a cheek to sell them on Ebay at that price, I agree!

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The cube extensions are here in the shop, and they cost £100. They do include a strengthening bar.


Because of the height of the Cube, the extensions do look good. I have the standard cube run and one extension, and think that a second extension would make it the perfect shape and just the right size for my ultimate aim of ten chickens.

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Thanks - I found the extension AFTER I posted - yes I agree it looks more like a train than a caravan now :lol: but I want a train too. So Christmas present will be..................I have perches in my run and a friend who called the other day was most impressed - she went home with a perch from our wood pile for her eglu.


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I've got the cube with one extension and I'm thinking of getting a second extension (especially after seeing the pictures - they're great), but as I'm a complete novice to keeping chickens, would there ever be any need to enter the cube run? (I definately wouldn't be able to get in as I'm quite wide and tall myself). I would be able to reach inside the cube run without any extensions.





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