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Guest chookiehen

I've been foxed....

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I let the girlies out this afternoon for a bit of leg-stretching, and popped out for 10 minutes to drop something off at a friends. I got back to find lots of feathers, 2 chickens missing and 1 chicken cowering in the Eglu. Poor Josie is the only one left, and she isn't looking good - all fluffed and hunched up - no obvious injuries, just terrified, and I don;t think she'll survive the night. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

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Josie has positioned herself right in the middle of the run, so I can't reach her now. She's refusing to be tempted by treats, and is just sitting, fluffed and hunched, eyes closed. :cry::cry: Am going to send Duncan in to rescue her, if she won't come out soon, and keep her in the house tonight. I've never even seen a sniff of a fox, although since we moved here, I've always assumed that there is foxes around - we're in too much of a rural area now to not have foxes - so am feeling terribly guilty about things now. :cry:

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So sorry to hear about your girls. Its a risk we take. My girls freerange all day, if I only let them freerange when I was in the garden they would never free range. I sat and thought for a bit after reading your post but I know its a risk I have to take. As hard as it sounds a short happy life is better than a long miserable one.



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Just wanted to add my sympathies as well.

I've only just got my hens and am still debating with myself on the free ranging issue. But I agree with Shirl too.


As hard as it sounds a short happy life is better than a long miserable one.




Hope Josie recovers. Don't feel too guilty. Your girls had a good life with you.



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