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Winter's around the corner

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-3 here this mornign and I'm working from home as Rosie has a thick cold. I had to go into the office first thing to pick up soem stuff to work on and it was lovely walking throught he park - all was white, except for the copper beeches, which still have their leaves and were bathed in sunlight.


We had a post from Lesley a while ago showing asun dog/parhelion she saw - they are caused by ice crystals in high clouds refracting the sunlight and happen mostly in the winter when the sun is lower. Just google parhelion and you'll see plenty of photos.

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Can we rename the thread? winter is officially here. It was -3 here last night and below freezing already. This morning the poor chookie girls water was frozen solid and so was the egg port (they had still managed to lay 2 lovely eggs). I think it will be chilly again tonight and I have the school minibus at home (think of the size of windscreent to defrost before returning it in the morning)

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I forgot to check the thermometer this morning, but it must've been -3 or below, very beautiful though and frosty.


Chick was standing on tiptoes and crowing this morning; lovely sound, but glad that he's going off back to the farm tomorrow - the neighbours have already mentioned it. :roll::oops: I shall miss him though - he's a handsome chap if a little feisty.

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:lol::lol: A sort of rooster party? No, but I'm not looking forward to boxing him up tomorrow at the crack of dawn :? he's a feisty little beggar and has legs on him like roadrunner! I plan to grab him out through the eggport first thing, but to have the landing net handy in case he decides to make a break for the border. The only way to ctach him is to grab his legs out from under him; if you get him upside down, he''s far more manageable. I'll try to remember to get some photos of him at lunchtime.
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