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Life is like an episode of the Bill

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Bloomin' 'eck.......


Went Christmas shopping today with my best pal and had a lovely time.


On the way home we both remarked that the police helicopter was up and that there must be trouble brewing.......


Not 5 minutes later I am overtaken by an idiot on the brow of a dangerous hill, which is also a blind curve.......a well known accident site.


I hooted at the little twit and just as I was remarking to my friend that there was little point in him taking such a risk as he was now going to have to stop at the traffic lights.......when he starts reversing at speed towards us.....and in the opposite direction is a police car coming with the blues and twos at full pelt.


Suddenly we and he are surrounded by half a dozen police cars and 10 officers (we counted them) leap out and surround little twits car and point 8 machine guns and two hand guns at him.He refused to co-operate and wouldn't get pout of his car. Two more officers appear out of vans, and with rottweillers baying and straining at the lead also attempt to get little twit to do as he is told. he got out eventually but they didn't cuff him...just did a huge amount of shouting. He was still refusing to co-operate.


There was an awful lot of swearing!!


We were trapped and hemmed in by all these police cars but one officer said "you had better move your car...things might turn ugly"...so with knees knocking I managed to reverse between all these police cars which were higgledy piggledy with doors open.....and only inches to spare.....it took about 5 minutes to do.


The helicopter was overhead by now with its beam shining on us so my reversing was spotlighted.


We were delayed by about half an hour....most infuriating.


I wonder if it will be in tomorrow night's evening paper?


It certainly got the adrenalin pumping.


Never a dull moment in Sheffield.


What's the betting that the whole thing was drugs related.

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Be prepared for an anti-climax in the press.


I was travelling back from a hen hight on a coach about three years ago. We heard a massive bang as the coach was travelling along the A12 and the whole coach shook. Then there was a second bang and one of the side windows blew inwards. There was glass everywhere. The driver stopped the coach. The side panels of the coach were a mess. There was a clear hole in one of them and some were badly dented. It was obvious to everybody that the coach had been shot at. We all called for taxis to take us home.


Not a word in the press until two weeks after the event when it was reported in the local papers as a catapult attack on a coach. Some catapult!

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Be prepared for an anti-climax in the press.


I was travelling back from a hen hight on a coach about three years ago. We heard a massive bang as the coach was travelling along the A12 and the whole coach shook. Then there was a second bang and one of the side windows blew inwards. There was glass everywhere. The driver stopped the coach. The side panels of the coach were a mess. There was a clear hole in one of them and some were badly dented. It was obvious to everybody that the coach had been shot at. We all called for taxis to take us home.


Not a word in the press until two weeks after the event when it was reported in the local papers as a catapult attack on a coach. Some catapult!


Blimey :shock: . You were lucky the driver managed to stop safely and you all got out unhurt.

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Those night-sun lights are terrifying if you're caught in one.


The police we're chasing someone years back and had the heli out. I pulled over to the side to make way for police cars and the whole area was lit-up in such an eery way.


It took me a few minutes to calm my nerves but at least I always lock the car when I'm in it.




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Something similar but not as exciting happened here a few days ago. Just before we went to school 2 police cars and 2 unmarked cars pulled up outside the house 2 doors away from us. 8 policemen piled out and stormed into the house much to the interest of the neighbourhood. I've still no idea what it was all about but the current favourite theory is drugs quickly followed by stolen goods. The family are a nightmare and have caused problems ever since they moved into the house. At one point I didn't feel safe letting my children play in the garden due to the likelihood of missiles being thrown over the garden fence or the language used between mum and kids. OH went and 'had words.' Things have quietened down since.

I wish they would move. Each time they reach the end of their tenency agreement everyone crosses their fingers and hopes they'll move but it's not happened yet. Maybe this will be the final straw?

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Everyone on here knows that Egluntine works undercover for MFI er .............I mean MI5.


The helicopter was to recover the same agent if things got too hairy.


Deep under cover! :lol:


Must have been very scary though! even for a experienced agent :lol::lol::shock::shock:


Joking apart, glad to hear everyone who should be is ok!




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Crikey Egluntine! It all happens up there doesn't it :shock: Glad you are OK though :D


We had some neighbours from hell in the road about 8 years ago, no end of noise and trouble for a few months, then they disappeared. Turns out the young lady who lived opposite was a police officer and all their 'dealing and using' was caught on police cctv :D:D

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Last night's Look North showed a very similar scene to our bit of excitement.


Half a dozen police cars blocking the road outside City Road Cemetery.


They said that a tactical firearms unit had been deployed and six men had been arrested. It was one in a series of arrests made in the city over the past couple of days.


The police declined to give further details.


I bet it was connected to our bit of fun.


I'll let you know if I find out any more.

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I happened to go to Tesco in Reading last week when they were evicting the very large group of travellers both from the shop & from the car park.

Lots of Police & security,& travellers hanging onto the shelves in the shop....fair amount of abuse & swearing too :roll:

They even had their dogs (the travellers) in the Tesco with them,who were running around like mad things :roll:


Still, they all went in the end & the store manager came & apologised to all us customers :wink:

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Crikey Egluntine what happening life you lead :D


There are flats at the back of the trading estate we are on that Worcester Council last year moved about 7 drug addicts into. ( the mind boggles at the sense of that :shock: )

They have spent most of this year gradually evicting them one by one and having several armed response raids, the last one in the summer they brought a bloke out who had a gun on him :shock:

The flats and trading estate handily have the canal running alongside. When the do a raid they are running through the trading estate etc - its quite an eye opener :shock:



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