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Here They Are!.... NEW PICS !!

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They are lovely


You'll soon tell them apart as they all seem to have different amounts of ginger on their necks :D


We have 2 PP's and you can't tell them apart from afar but when you get closer they have different colouring

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Yes they are lovely..well...Shaniqua has the most black, and Margaret has a bronze neck and head but she looks like she has a little black beret on.

Shirley has a bronze neck and all bronze head and Brenda has bronzed feathers throughout...


The only question I have for you all is.......how do I introduce my little dogs to them..without causing havock?


They ran after them last time and I had to take the dogs back in as the girls were scared half to death.. :roll:

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they look very glam. Think I'd have called them Diana, Fayette, Linda and Shirley.


That's Diana Ross and the 3 degrees BTW


What was your inspiration for their names?

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What beautiful girls! I thought it was nice having 3 totally different coloured girls but it looks fab when they're all the same :D .


Re your dogs, I would echo the lead suggestion. Your girls may well learn (as did mine) that a quick flap and run at a dog (and threat of a peck on the nose) soon scares it away. Mine keeps a very respectful distance from the girls now.

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Lovely girls and lovely dogs. My little Jack has met the girls through the run and even then they gang up at the door and try to peck him so he has learned to stand back!! :D I guess when your girls settle down they wills oon show who is hte boss but I would echo the lead suggestion until they all get along :lol:

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