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Steam cleaner

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Does it defrost freezers? We share a larger version with my daughter which we use for that but a small one would be handy!


I daresay it would.


My fridge specifies that the interior is not to be cleaned with a steam cleaner unfortunately.....not that I take any notice.......check you guarantees first to be on the safe side.

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I love my steam cleaner but I have to be careful as I get addicted. Once its on nothing is safe. OH says i get a glint in my eye and start steaming anything and everything. I found pressure washers equally addictive....once you start you just cant stop...beware. :D:lol:

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What a timely post!!! I was just sitting in the sofa yesterday evening glaring at the carpet, where the kids must have spilled some drink or something a while back, and saying it really needs steaming... We had a large steamer a while back, but it's old now and doesn't seem to work any more, and I am not keen on getting another one as, while it's good for big tasks like cleaning a whole carpet, it's a pain to drag around and heat up to do some 'spot cleaning' ... also seems like a waste of energy, like boiling a whole kettle to make one small cup of tea... am off browsing the internet for one of these 'hairdryer' size one... :D

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This is getting interesting - I never thought of spot steam cleaning around the house. We have lots of grimy patches (especially on carpets :roll: ) that I can't shift. How does the steam cleaning work? Do you just steam and leave, or do you need to sponge the mark off or use any other cleaner? Despite the grime, our carpet is still in good nick and would clean up beautifully (just can't afford to get it professionally cleaned just yet!)

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We hire a Rug Doctor machine from our local Morrisons supermarket every 6 mnths or so and it works wonders. We have pale carpets and one of the childrens friends came swimming with us and her shampoo leaked all over the hall carpet and despite loads of sponging the dribble marks went really black but they came straight out with the machine and have never come back. Also ED spilt a whole glass of red wine on the lounge carpet one evening and that also came straight out never to be seen again. :D


Is it spring cleaning time already :shock:

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We hired a steam cleaner from DHS a big hire chain in London. It gave our carpets fleas!!!!!!! The person who had hired it before us was obviously a mucky beggar and hadn't cleaned it properly before giving it back :evil: Since that horrible experience I have avoided hiring another steamer. This hand held one looks good but not really suitable for cleaning large areas of carpet :(



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I'm interested in the steam cleaner, my brother was telling me at Christmas that he has one and it cleans the tiles beautifully, I forgot to ask the name of his one - must email him.


A quick tip though - if you have marks on the carpet, try Stain Slayer from Lakeland. It;s a little aerosol, you spray it on and then wipe it off, and I think it's brilliant, it even works on very old, grimy ones.

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I've done the top of my cooker and the inside of the glass doors.


Very impressed.


The floors of the ovens have yet to be tackled. Will do that after the w/e.


I've done the bath and the shower cubicle.


It brings tiles up like new.


Better be quick Choccy....they only had 2 left in Coles when I bought it!!

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Yes but what do you do with it? :lol: Steam it and leave it or steam and wipe off? Any additional elbow grease or stardrops needed? I need to know! 8)


Yeah, me too! I've had a bottle of wine and am likely to purchase one on the internet without too much provocation :roll: .


:lol::lol: What a great excuse for buying things :lol:


karen x

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