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i should let my 11 year old shave her legs? she is a very grown up 11 year old and most of the girls in her class do it and she is the oldest child in the school. I have told her that she should wait until she is starting high school, but she is not having none of it :roll: but i still think that she wants to grown up a bit too fast, i think mainly because of peer pressure, one of the girls in her class, if you can belive it has her legs shaved, eye brows plucked and her mum puts her under the sun bed every night :evil: personally i think thats discusting and have explained it to my daughter BUT she says she is not asking for all of that just to have her legs shaved, like i said she is very grown up and she has had her periods for a couple of months now. am i just being over protective or should i go ahead and let her have her way?

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I suppose you've tried telling her that once you shave your legs the hair grows back thicker and darker? :( Personally I can't see the harm in letting her do it, if she's having periods then she is already a woman rather than a girl, well technically :roll: Better she does it with you around to supervise rather than doing it secretly at a friend's house. Just my opinion.



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My girls are nearly 13 & 15 now & I reckon they shaved their legs from about that age.

Cleo in particular has dark colouring & probably shaved from an early age,but then again she is the younger of the 2 & they always seem to do things at a younger age.


I bought them lady shaves to begin with,but they soon gave up on those & started using Venus,which they do safely.

If your girl has her periods,then she is already a woman,so I can't really see the point of trying to stop her.


Just have a chat with her & explain what she is getting into, & tell her how to pluck her eyebrows too,without giving herself that awful suprised look :shock::lol:

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It's a quandary, isn't it?


Rosie was worried about the dark hairs on her legs a while ago, but has stopped now. I know what you mean - it's just another sign that they are growing up, and shaving legs is linked to wanting to appear more attractive... which is linked to boys..... which we all worry about :roll:


I'd let her do it, but go together to choose a razor and show her how to do it safely. She needs to feel that she can turn to you and talk to you about these things.


Good luck! :lol:

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If your girl has her periods,then she is already a woman,so I can't really see the point of trying to stop her.



I find it scary that we relate the two because some children start very young. Doesn't anyone else think 11 year olds are still really children? Take her to have them waxed and if she can handle that then she should be allowed :twisted:

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I think it's something they should be allowed to do as soon as it becomes an issue for them. I pinched my Dads razor and did it without telling my parents at age 11. I don't think they ever realised (although my Dad may have been suspicious :lol: ).


But having said that, I don't have daughters, so who knows what I would do in practice! :lol:


Edited to add: it's only delaying the inevitable, save your battles for the bigger issues! :shock:

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If she can stand it, then let her try having her legs waxed, lasts longer! I'd go to a reputable salon though or your local college may have a beauty salon - usually cheaper there...ours is very good!

Or buy her one of what I have - it's made by Rio & it's like a spinning sandpaper disc thing that grinds away the hair. It's very quick & leaves your legs smooth. No danger in her using one of those! Some of the spray on hair removal mousses are good & some even smell nice these days.

If she really must shave then, Venus or Intution razors are very good.


Hope this helps, as I too have struggled with very dark excessive hair & it is extremely embarrassing & a pain in the bum- mine is down to my PCOS. I'm not so embarrassed these days as there are so many good products on the market now & I'm now saving up for a Lazer hair removal machine.



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I wouldnt worry too much about it.


Id worry about the more serious things she'll want to do soon.


Just a quick story:


When i was about 13 and my sister 11 i made her put a wax strip thing on my under arms . Mom said we were allowed. But we did She pulled it off the wrong way and it would not come off.


My sister was laughing so much she pulled it off so hard it took skin off


It was awful!!!!


I bet youd rather her be with you, than do it at her mates!

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I took my daughter to get her legs waxed about that age :(


I didn't like the idea of the hair removal chemicals, and she has rather a lot of hair :( The lady who did the waxing was lovely and very understanding, she now has her underarms done too :shock: much braver than me :lol:


It felt like a real right of passage, for me and her :?


Karen x

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:D waxing is a fantastic idea, dont know why i didnt think of that myself!! i have spoke to her and the first reaction wasn't good, but now she under stands that it would be better and more affective , hope she can handle it :lol:

I too think that you should go for waxing as well... Yes it will hurt but once you start shaving the leg hair it will be all the more spiky and painful to remove by waxing later on. I really think confidence in young people is very important and if it is staring to bother he now,r then it will affect her in other ways too.

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You don't know the half of it Kev :roll:


I'd let her do it with your guidance. It will be a good mother/daughter bonding time, and she will respect you for respecting her wishes as a mini adult. It will happen sooner or later, and it's much better to be involved yourself now, rather than find in a couple of years she's done it without asking you at all. You can offer her some good advice and make sure she's making the right decisions about how to do it.

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Seems like most of us think its best to go with the flow on this one.


Although to some of us 11 seems young, I (believe it or not :D) can remember being 11 and getting interested in all of those things that we don't want out daughters to get into 'just yet' - make-up, perms (well we were in the early 70s), leg shaving etc etc. By 11 I think we do need to start treating them as young adults because I know that is what I felt I was - but I am going to hate it when I have to start facing this stage. :cry:

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My daughter started to do the shaving and cleansing and experimenting with makeup etc at about that age. Like a lot of people have said if her periods have started then her hormones will be having an effect, therefore she is ready for this.


There will be issues that are far more important to deal with soon enough, I think the idea of bringing mother and daughter girl time into it is a good one, it could help to bring you closer, make her feel grown up but cherished :D


Good luck, I am lucky that I have a great relationship with my 14 year old daughter, which has got better as she has matured and we can relate to each other as people rather than just mother and daughter. :D

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