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Holiday Weekend Weather....it's started!

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We've just had glorious sunshine, so the boys got their boots and jumpers on. By the time we opened the back door it was blowing a gale and hailstoning :shock: We've just taken off the boots and jumpers and the sun has come out again. I feel like a jack-in-a-box. :evil: Just going to put them back on again now :roll:

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we've had rain, hail and sleet .......... at the same time ......... with lovely sunny intervals between. Freezing cold though bbbrrrrrrrrrrrr


Poor chooks, everytime it hailed I herded them into their run, 2 mins later the sun was out, then hail, then sun ......... in the end I kept them in their run and gave them a treat of tomatoes and greens :D :D :D :D

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:shock::shock::shock: Lesley!!! you'll freeze your insides!!


Just had a major hail storm here - Prada panicked and flew up on to the hot tub then lost her head for heights and couldnt get back down - I think she was quite grateful when I went to rescue her - she ran over to me and almost begged me to pick her up :lol:


I then carried her back to the run tucked under my cardigan :roll:


I got soaked :evil:

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Woken up by the dog as the snow started this morning!! The chickens have had a bowl of porrige and handful of grain before stomping back into the run - they are not impressed by the snow....where has their grass gone? Now they are all fluffed up in the run looking a little bit miffed - can't say I blame them!

I am going to have a boiled egg and soldiers once I have walked the dog though.

Happy Easter to you all :wink:

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Same bonkers weather here yesterday - we went to the garden centre whilst it was looking dull and rainy, on the grounds that the populace of Cambridge would hopefully not be in a gardening mood (the place can get horribly busy on holiday weekends), then as it had turned sunny we drove over to the nice organic butchers to get something for Sunday lunch. By the time we parked, it was blowing a blizzard!


More snow forecast today, then it's going to be sunny and cold on Monday (allegedly). Fingers crossed - I really need to finish sorting out the eglu!


Never mind - next year Easter will be in mid-April again, so hopefully a lot less wintery :)

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We've woken to an inch of snow on the ground, if not more, and it's still coming down thick and fast! Poor OH has had to go to work - I just hope the roads will be better once he's out of the village :?


I had to let the chickens out of their run - it's dark in there because of the snow on the roof! They normally come running out, but they are stood around looking very puzzled! :D


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Snowing very lightly here, but the BBC forecast promises 'proper' snow in London in the next hour or so.


I do hope they are wrong, as I'm supposed to be driving out to the coast to have lunch with my sister. So far this week every dire prediction made by the forecasters has turned out to be an exaggeration, so I'm hoping this is the same. (Be just my luck to get stuck - I may pack a toothbrush! :wink: )

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