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today i have turned 50 and my daughter 20 (yes i had her on my birthday) and 4 days ago my turned 31.

I have dreaded this for about 3 yrs and now its here...hey it aint so bad.

Funny when i was much much younger i used think 50 was like 100 and you were lucky to get to it :D

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Happy Birthday :D

It's lovely to hear you had your daughter on your birthday, talk about an unusual birthday present.

I had two of my daughters on the same day, 7 years apart... Suki thought it was wonderful getting a baby sister for her birthday, and the two of them look extremely similar compared to my other two girls :) We call them the staggered twins :)


I hope you and your daughter have had a lovely birthday :)

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Happy birthday you two, I turn the big 4 0 this year and it feels like a really big deal. I want to do something really big for it but have no idea what. Then again I'm kind of dreading it. I'm trying to learn something so I can do something at 40 that I can't do at 39 (I'm going to our local rock climbing centre tomorrow to have a look round! I'm keeping it a secret and I don't know why, feels like it's just for me)


Anyway, stop hijacking! Happy birthday, glad yours wasn't as bad as you were expecting, hope you both got fab pressies and had a lovely day.


Mrs B

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Happy birthday - been at that one and its not so bad but it goes downhill from hereon in! :lol:


Put your hands over your ears :P Life just gets better and better after 50. The children have left home (hopefully) and time is yours and there is just so much to do. Enjoyment without guilt :D Go for it Mirkwood.

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Hope you and your daughter had a good day :D


I spent 5 hours of my birthday 12 years ago having contractions which then stopped and my son was eventually born exactly two weeks later, the midwife was amazed, she was convinced he was about to be born. He still can't get out of bed :lol:

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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. :lol:


I hope you had a wonderful day on this landmark occasion.


Celebrate the fact that you are still ambulatory and continent.


I do. :lol:


Inside my head I'm still sixteen....and intend to remain so. :lol:



Wonderful sentiments too - just celebrate for the sake of it though and have a great time. :lol:

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I have to tell you i went back to work today, after having yesterday off, and my entire workplace was covered in banners saying " Happy Birthday Ang your 50 now". i was so touched by everyones kindness because i had cards and pressies waiting for me.

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Inside my head I'm still sixteen....and intend to remain so. :lol:

Me too!

Sometimes I sit & look around my living room & wonder how I ended up with a house, mortgage, job, family when I feel like I'm still playing at it


Belated Happy Birthday from me, too!

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