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Who is doing something nice this weekend?

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Saturday, we will be going to the woods with the dogs if it's not tipping it down. We also need to sort out the garage. Then we will be going to the inlaws.


Sunday, Simon is working. I'm not sure if Adam is going with him. I'll be cleaning out the chickens and doing more doggy training.

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Tomorrow evening I'm picking up my bestest mate from school (and we left in 1987 :shock: ) to go for a girly night away at a posh hotel in Malvern followed by a stroll on the hills if fine or a shopping spree in Worcester/Cheltenham if not on Saturday. No hubbies and no kids (we have 6 between us) - bliss!


We might even have a whole uninterrupted conversation - probably about chickens as she has some also. :lol:


Can't wait.


Oh yes, got to write a job application as well :whistle:

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ANH, where's the photo of the hunky gardener I heard about and seem to have missed?????

I shall be standing at the edge of Roadford Lake in the rain, whilst dear son windsurfs all weekend, and doing my bit as treasurer at the AGM.....

Please let it be less cold.....

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ANH, where's the photo of the hunky gardener I heard about and seem to have missed?????


Sorry Freddie :lol: . He was here again today, fitting an outside tap and sledgehammering a few concrete slabs for me ( :drool::wink: ) but I didn't have the nerve to say "smile please, all my friends want to drool over you too :D " :roll: . He's been paid so unless I can think of some more work for him to do, that's the end of our beautiful friendship :cry: .

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Friday lunchtime - having a new field shelter delivered.......


Friday evening we have Lauren and Jake staying over - another evening of Mama Mia then :D


Saturday - may clean Eglus if it isn't too wet and windy :?


Sunday - vaccinating sheep......what fun :?

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Well I've just found out that my three little horrors are going for their first sleep over round their Dads! :shock: So I'm not quite sure WHAT I will do with myself! I've already put another coat of paint round the bedroom, I could get on with painting the flowers I guess but I have to be in the mood. I'd like to go for a sauna, or maybe have a take-away, but those things really are best done with someone. Might ask my Mum round for an early take-away, to sort of say thanks.

Honestly, for 9 years I have NO time to myself at ALL and feel like I'm going mad, now I've got SO much I don't know what to do with it all!!


Obviously there will be dog walking and chicken cleaning in there somewhere, loads I COULD do, but not sure what I actually WANT to do :roll:



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I have Saturday all to myself 8) until Phil comes back from Cardiff; it's his 50th birthday tomorrow (Friday) so I am taking him out for a meal on Saturday night. I need to fit in cleaning out the animals, popping into town and a dog training session at 1pm into that day somewhere.


On Sunday, my folks are up for lunch (it's my mother's birthday next Tuesday), due to arrive at 10.30am, so they'll be here at 9am :roll:. Lunch, then out for a long walk I expect. Rosie is a with her Dad this weekend, but I will have her back for lunch on Sunday.


Becky, you get used to the silences without them. I cried buckets the first time that Rosie stayed with her Dad.

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Firday night - shopping for a jacket after work and then tapas at La Tasca with the uni girlies and maybe a few drinks lol


Sat - house hunting in Chester - not looking forward to it - got 6 viewings arranged and trying to avoid living with smokers lol!


Sat night - one of the girls has a friend coming up so we shall be doing something to entertain her


Sunday - reading lots of Human Rights cases and trying to decide what the judges are really trying to say!!! lol



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Well I'll be in the garden all day Saturday (weather permitting) - cleaning the Cube, clearing the former veg patch, which is where I want the WIR to go; sowing some seeds, tidying the greenhouse, and letting my little ladies free-range as much as I can.


I've also promised my friend some help on her allotment, might go there for an hour or two. I can't think of a nicer way to spend a Saturday than in the garden.


Sunday - one of my Contact the Elderly tea-parties, there should be 8 elderly guests and 4 drivers so we'll have a great time catching up on what everyone's done in the last month, Tom was a new guest last month and he has a fund of stories about his life in the Navy ... a few laughs are guaranteed!

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We're flying off to Venice for the week on Saturday :D So tomorrow, cleaning out the girls ready for the neighbours to look after, Saturday will be dropping the doggies & the kitties off at their holiday homes (will be fun) :shock:


Oh I am soooo jealous! :mrgreen: Have a great time. I loved my trip to Venice.

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Friday morning taking my horse to the farrier's for a new set of shoes. He gets about 9 new sets of shoes a year, I'm lucky if I get one!


Friday afternoon - going out for lunch because it's my birthday.


Saturday morning - gundog dummy practice with my beautiful labrador

Saturday afternoon - riding my horse

Saturday evening - Phil (husband) is cooking duck in orange and cranberry sauce - because it's still my birthday!!

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OH is off to Portugal at some ungodly hour in the morning for a long weekend playing golf with some mates. I was quite looking forward to a little peace until I realised that on Saturday morning I had to get DS to school; DD to football and me to work. Hmmmmm - not sure how that will work out. Also have to take DD to footie on Sunday morning.


Must must must get to the gym at some stage as I ate a whole packet of plain choc digestives the other day and am feeling very blobby and guilty and have done no exercise since last Sunday.


It is big clean out weekend for the Eglu so am hoping that the weather will stay reasonable for that.


Just looking forward to vegging out a little when I have the time to I guess.


Gamebird - I am sure that you will be able to stretch your birthday into next weekend too! Have a great time :)

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Well, my weekend starts here. Friday evening already & I'm home from work & looking forward to the evening.


Friday evening: Son has just had a horribly harrowing day, (representing his school at a school friend's father's funeral...actually a bit more complex than that, but that gives the bare bones) so we're off up Skyline so that he can have a luge trip down whilst I sit & quietly down a glass of wine or 2, then a meal at the restaurant up there. I think it'll be good for him to do something fun as a family.


Saturday will be housework, more housework and yet more...yes, you guessed it...housework. I've been working really long hours recently & my house is looking a bit neglected, so time to get the duster & vacuum cleaner out. Saturday evening son is hosting a St Patrick's Day thing in our garden. Why I don't know, he's not Irish, nor is it actually Paddy's Day...but any excuse for a party I suppose. I think I'll put my feet up with a DVD 7& try ti ignore the lot of them.


Sunday...we have friends coming round and I'm really looking forward to it. Just another BBQ, but the weather forecast is great and the 3 families we've got coming round are all really nice people, so it should be fun.

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Well today I am trying to persuade YS to help me clear the greenhouse out in readiness for the WIR :D YS has a teacher training day today :roll:


Tomorrow I am taking YS and my mum down to open up our caravan. Hubby is going down on his bike as he has a marshall training day for the TT races in Isle of Man on Sunday.


I'm hoping we will go out for a meal on Saturday as its my birthday and for lots of long walks by the sea.


Sunday I shall be hopefully doing more of the same before driving back home. :D

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I'm working Saturday and Sunday this week, so Yesterday and today is my weekend. Andy is off work as well. The nicest bit of all is that I am spending two whole days with Andy for the first time since Christmas.


Massive garden clearing operation in progress, boy do I ache this morning. More of the same today.


Hoping some time today I can get Andy to come to the garden centre with me for a coffee and a cake :D

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Watching Comic Relief all evening tonight after cooking DS's birthday dinner: he has requested sausages, burgers and chips :oops:


Saturday: Take DS to footie match. He has a friend coming over for a sleepover that evening so may or may not get some time to ourselves to move the chooks to a new patch of grass (may have to mow it first though!)


Sunday: Take DS and 5 friends to the Snowdome for a tobogganing session followed by a meal in the restaurant there and the volcano cake (see All Things Nice section)!


Sunday evening: collapse with exhaustion!

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Collecting a kitten today :D:D:D:D and gardening. We're making a cottage garden and and building a picket fence (erm I'll be assisting) :oops::lol::lol:


A pretty fab weekend for us :D:D:D:D


Buffie x



Is that assisting by means of supervising Buffie? I'm very good at that. Usually with a cup of tea in my hand (or on the lap top - see I'm supposed to be in the greenhouse :roll:).


Lucky you getting a kitten, hope it all goes well. :D

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We will be watching Comic Relief with a takeaway tonight. Did anyone else watch the Red Nose Climb documentary last night. I have so much more respect for those people involved now, even Cheryl Cole who moaned all the time. I have donated loads of times, it was a tough challenge.


ED is at a friend's birthday sleepover so we have to pick her up from Upton-upon-Severn tomorow morning, we all wish her friends lived closer.


Then back home to watch Liverpool play Man U and hopefully win, then a roast so that we are free to spend Sunday at the allotment.


Have a great weekend everyone, the weather forecast is pretty good Spring is nearly here :D

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