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You know you have chickens when .............

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When your mother and 2 friends independently give out your telephone number and you have complete strangers ring you with all their hen problems, and you realise you've somehow end up as an unofficial chicken helpline.


I got that :lol: . My brother gave my number to a very old friend of his who I hadn't seen since I was about 14 :shock: .

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you know youve got chickens....


when you find yourself squatting down behind the eglu waiting to shut the door cos they came out to see what you were doing (walking up the garden at dusk when they had gone to bed already.) :oops:


my neighbours must think im mad - they are probably right



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You find yourself saying 'bok bok bok bok' - as you do to the chickens when you feed them - at random points of the day when you're thinking about them. :oops:


Your partner finds himself saying 'bok bok bok bok' at random times of the day when he doesn't even feed them OR think about them too much! :oops::lol:


You have stopped buying crockery which doesn't come with a hen on it.


The Omlet forum is saved as your homepage on the interweb.


You feel a contentment and whooptastic inner joy you know you only share with a teeny percentage of the population and you're proud of it.


You find yourself saying 'CHEEK-ONS!!!' like a five year-old randomly throughout the day because the thought of them makes you happy.


You 'chicken spot' on car journeys like some people do with cars. Five points for a Buff Orpington, three for a Maran-type thing.


You find yourself coveting various galvanised feeders and drinkers and admiring the economy of their designs.


You are over-excited when you find a worm because you know it will make the chickens happy... You then have a guilt attack because you are a bit freakishly keen about oligochaetology (worm studies).


I LOVE this thread Plum! Excellent topic! And I've-just-spittle-sprayed-on-my-screen funny answers galore!! :clap::clap::lol::lol:

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OH had a nightmare that we would have to let one of our girls go. Apparently the person who came to collect her hadn't done her homework and didn't even have a chicken house or other hens to be with - he got all upset. So today he actually went and gave her a cuddle (Cheyenne) - he never did that with our other pets! He's got chickens! :lol:

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You know you have chickens when....


........you take you DS to his grandparents for a quick hello & he stays there for the day to rummage in Grandad's skip and build the chooks a perch/climbing frame from the builders s"Ooops, word censored!"s!!


Sha x



ooooh, I love a could rummage in a skip! Pre chooks I wouldn`t of considered it but now nothing is sacred! LOL


You know you have chooks when:


You ask the nice man in the garden centre in B&Q if the wooden boxes that they used to display wild bird seed in are going spare? OH nearly died of embarrassment LOL!

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...you get sooo excited that all four chickens produced an egg for the very first time today :dance::dance: ....and it takes hours to realise that there is no way we can possibly use four eggs a day!!! :roll::lol:


Ah Ha

Thats where my colleagues come in they all love there fresh egg supplies, they all say that they taste so different to shop bought even free range shop bought ones

I am very popular thanks to my clever girls :wink:

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