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New waste disposal collection for us

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We have a standard wheelie bin for 'landfill', a brown bin for compostable waste (including cooked food), a white sack for Cardboard, and a green container for all other recyclable waste. Landfill is collected every two weeks, the rest weekly.


The compost made from the food waste is then used in the parks and green areas of our neighbourhood.


I think its fantastic :clap:

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When I lived in London Suburbia we had black bags but I got myself a wheelie bin to keep marauding cats and foxes away.

Here in Cumbria we have fortnightly collections for garden waste in a green wheelie, and boxes for cans and glass plus paper.

Household waste goes in a grey bin.

Morrisons 2 miles away takes plastic and cardboard so we manage to keep our general waste down nicely.

I don't know how much really gets recycled. You're always hearing about the waste going to landfill anyway but at least we make the effort.

The recycling centre in Carnforth sells the compost it makes but I have yet to try it.

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isn't it amazing how we all have different schemes :shock::roll: . I'm surprised the EU hasn't dictated that we all have the same scheme! I do find it odd that even the same counties have different schemes running. My parents are 10 minutes up the road and fall under the same county council but a different local council to me.


We had to pay £40 each for our bins because the twerp who owned the house took the bins with him - despite being issued with them for free. However the council only issue a house (not household) with the bins once and that is it. If I want an additional green garden waste bin I have to pay another £40 - you would think they would want to encourage us to recycle responsibly.


We have a black household waste bin, a green garden waste bin and clear sacks (as many as we need) for recyclables such as plastics 1,2,3 & 5, cardboard & paper, but no tetra paks or glass. The glass has to go top the recycling units and tetra paks in the bins :( as there is nowhere to recycle them. I use the green bin for all the aubiose, chicken poo, rabbit poo and hay in, as well as the garden waste. I've been doing that for the last 2 years, and they've yet to say anything. I did email them to ask if this was acceptable right at the start but they chose not to reply, so I just got on with it. The black bin and the garden waste / recycling are collected on alternate weeks. We can buy the compost from the tip


My parents have a black bin and a blue bin. One for recycling and one for household waste, collected alternately. They have to take labels off tins etc, we don't. They don't have a garden waste scheme. They also cannot put glass in their bins.


I think the food waste scheme is a great idea. I remember seeing an advert in one of the London boroughs advertising that they had gone back to weekly household collections and I must be honest I wish they would do that across the board. I hate the fortnightly household collections and think it is unhygienic in the summer. It is simply cost cutting. I'm lucky, I can keep my bins away from the house, but that's not the case in a lot of places and who wants a pongy bin under their window? :vom: They could still collect the recycling fortnightly.

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We have black sacks and put out one small one per week. We also have recycling bins which are collected fortnightly.


If you ask me it should be the other way around.


I am always shocked at one neighbour who puts out SEVERAL black sacks per week (they have fewer people residing in their house than we have in ours) and they NEVER put out their recycling bin.


Not that I'm nosey or anything...

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We have not progressed to wheelie bins yet. We have good old fashioned dustbins :)


We do have recycling, three different boxes, one for paper, one for plastic and one for glass. The paper and plastic are collected weekly alternating between plastic and paper. The glass is collected once every four weeks.


It is better than Rutland where we used to live they only had one wheelie bin, no recycling but they have introduced recycling bins now.



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There's a fabulous idea at the Te$co near my folks - they have a recycling centre where you pop your clubcard in the slot, then post your recycling in the appropriate slot and receive points for everything you recycle.... keeps rubbish off the streets too as enterprising folk are scouring the streets for recyclable gubbins to gain extra points! I wonder whether they plan to roll this out to other stores?


See the article on the front page of this site re the Tesco sheme :?http://bookofrubbishideas.co.uk


Just had a quick look at that link and the first thing that came up was this


Supermarket giant Tesco will no longer be giving Green Clubcard points for customers who have returned empty items to deposit in their recycling machines.


The machines are designed to take a variety of recyclable materials including plastic, tin and glass and are located in around 40 branches of the store throughout England and there’s one in Scotland too.


Consumers were encouraged to clean and return their items and place them in the machines after inserting their Clubcards. The machines usually awarded one point for every four recycled items deposited, however some unscrupulous customers were found to be cutting their plastic bottles in half in order to get ‘double points’ by putting two items into the machine instead of one whole one. As a result, from this point on ‘Green Clubcard’ points will only be issued for aluminium cans, which cannot be tampered with.


Much as I hate Tescos with a passion, it is such a shame when they do try and do something right, people take advantage.



(I've had to delete parts of the quotes at the beginning as I went over the three quote per message thingy. So Sorry if I have attributed something to you when it wasn't you. If you see what I mean!) :D

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Quick update - the 'outrage' at Henley having it looks spoilt by those big old nasty wheelie bins has made the headline on the front page of the Daily Mail today.


I nearly chocked on my Frappuccino in Starbucks when I read it, while also admiring the litter rolling down the street & the dead flowers in the hanging baskets :roll::lol:


Apparantly there will be a protest march soon, led by Gerry Adams of Thunderbirds fame.


Don't know what all the fuss is about myself - I think that they are great!

But then again I don't have a 200m walk to my frony gate to leave them for the lorry, like Mr Adams has :roll::lol:

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When I lived in London Suburbia we had black bags.

Same here! Black bags for landfill, green box(es) for paper, glass and cans, reusable heavy duty bags for plastics(white bag) and garden waste(pink bag) and a massive food waste bin (that is fox proof too) Wheelie bins are coming in soon to replace the black bags. All is collected weekly!

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We still live in the dark ages of black bags in birmingham too. :( We also have green bags for "green waste". Wheelie bins would be so much less wasteful, IMHO, having had them where I lived previously.


We do at least have a blue box for paper recycling and a green box for glass/tins/plastic, once a fortnight, but as they empty them into one lorry I do wonder if they go to landfill anyway. Cynical, moi?

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We have a fortnightly collection for our big black wheelie bin,


Weekly collections for recycling, black box for tins and glass


Cardboard you just have to leave in a black bag with a big cardboard sign on it otherwise they dont look and if you stack it up in the black box to stop it blowing away thye will not take it!!


No plastic recycling for us however my mum and dad who live 20 mins away but part of a different council have theirs collected!!


You can request green bags for garden waste but there is no option for free compost!


Food recycling you get a brown bin for outside and a small one for inside. They are rubbish at colleecting this though and regulary leave the lids off with bits of food left in the bootom so you can imagine what we come home to in the summer!!

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We get a black bin (emptied every 2 weeks) a recycling box emptied weekly and we just had to pay £50 for a green bin :evil: It does mean we can dispose of chicken/guinea pig poo in there, which is good.


We can't put any chicken poo in ours :?

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We get a black bin (emptied every 2 weeks) a recycling box emptied weekly and we just had to pay £50 for a green bin :evil: It does mean we can dispose of chicken/guinea pig poo in there, which is good.

No poo is allowed in the bins, if you put it in there, they wont take it.

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All our animal poo goes in our own compost bin so it's not an issue. The council don't even get our grass clippings, we scatter them in the borders and the digging by the chickens helps them to compost down really quickly. The only things that goes in the garden waste bags is woody cuttings and if we had a garden shredder we wouldn't even throw them away.


I'm glad we don't have wheelie bins, they're too big and don't exactly look nice. We wouldn't have anywhere to put one. Our current dustbin is the same height as the fence and blends in reasonably well.


All i want from our council is glass to be collected, some streets have it and some don't. I also want people to put the right things in their recycling bags, i'm amazed at how many people put margerine tubs and plastic packaging into their recycling, even though we get leaflets that specify that only bottles can be recycled. It might be anoying but the more our recycling has to be sorted, the more council tax we'll have to pay :evil:

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We have wheelie bins......a dark grey one for household rubbish that can't be recycled and a grey with a blue lid for recycling - they are collected weekly but alternately so each bin sits for two weeks. We can also have a green big for garden waste which can now include cooked food waste - we don't have any green ones as we have space for composting.


Re the 'Council Compost' :? .......I'll post in Green Thinking.........

Here - viewtopic.php?f=22&t=47198

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I'm a big fan of wheelie bins, having been involved in the first trial in London - far more hygienic and easier to put out than rubbish bags and old bins.


I have to say, though, that I'm not keen on seeing them lined up outside houses apart from on collection days. I live on a street of (mostly) pretty Victorian terraced houses, we have back access via alleyways every few houses. Most people are able to put their bins around the back with either very little, or a bit of effort, but some residents, prefer to keep them lined up outside their house all the time - their call of course, but it doesn't look good :?

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I agree, just wish that more people would take them round the back - the average size of our front gardens is about 20' x 5 ', so you can imagine how crowded they are with 3 wheelie bins.


Perhaps there should or even might be some bylaw, especially in a conservation area, ensuring bins are kept at the back.

My husband used to live in a conservation area inside the national park and the bins were allowed in front on collection day only.

But hey, if that's not possible we get back to "pimpmybin" and match the bin to the front door colour, the flowers etc?

Wasn't there somebody on here ages ago that had a wacky multi coloured shade for their run?

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We get a black bin (emptied every 2 weeks) a recycling box emptied weekly and we just had to pay £50 for a green bin :evil: It does mean we can dispose of chicken/guinea pig poo in there, which is good.

No poo is allowed in the bins, if you put it in there, they wont take it.



Our green bin can have poo, it says what Claret said on it. When I ordered it I did ask and check as that was my main reason for ordering it.

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