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First natural chicken death =-(

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I lost one of my girls during the night :cry: I have been keeping chickens for nearly 4 years and this is the first one to have gone naturally, it was such a shock to find her at the back of the Eglu :cry: She had her eyes closed so I hope that she went in her sleep. I could not face telling the kids before school so will have to do that later. It is some comfort that she went without having an awful illness.

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Well that went better then I thought. They did not even shed a tear however it is the first that we are burying and they will get to choose a plant to put on top of her grave, which I think has helped. The others that were put to sleep I left at the vets.


Thank you all for your kind words x

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Huge hugs from me too, Paola.


From experience only this week, yes when you pop her into her grave will be very hard. We buried Tulip wrapped in one of DS's tshirts as she was his, and planted an apple tree over her, with a view to adding some yellow tulips when we can get some (her leg band was yellow).


A peaceful way to go, tucked up & snug with her "sisters".


Sha x

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