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Martin B

Got my allotment!

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What a great day!


First of all the local paper and THE SUN have agreed to publish an article on my quail! :D


Second of all, just before the photographer from THE SUN came, I got a call from the Allotment Secretary and she has an allotment for me! :D


It's practically just behind our car park, so not very long at all! :D


I will post some photos tomorrow when I go up to my plot for the first time!!!!!!




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Wow Martin that is fantastic news! And I am so :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Our village has none, but enough people have now asked for one that they have to provide one. The land has been agreed, but not likely to be open until the end of the year. My name is on the list, but don't know whether I will be one of the first to get one or not! Can't wait to see your pictures. And well done on your media debut! :wink::lol::lol:8)

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What more could I ask for?


I met the allotment secretary at the allotments today at precisely 5.15pm!


I was so excited, I didn't think I would be as excited as I was!




Well this is the view of the site from the gate, you can see my plot already!




Here's mine from the far side! It's 22ftx65ft, it's quite big really. The previous owners took over a few months back, but gave in really quickly. They had started to do something, one bed is perfectly dug, it just needs a few little weeds taking out. I have a huge apple tree in the middle!




I am now also the proud owner of this stunning greenhouse! There are several panes of glass that are smashed, but the previous owner has bought a new door and new panes off glass, and they have just been left on the site! So my Dad is going to set it up for me! I will keep tomatoes, melons, chillis and cucumbers in here!




The two pictures above are the ones either side of mine, they are complete contrasts really, the one is dedicated to fruit and veg, whereas the other is very much a wildilife and pleasure garden, it has a really cute pond, and some lovely plants, it looks stunning!


Well back on my plot, there was work to be done, I spent 3 hours digging a bed next to my greenhouse! Below is a picture, see how rich the soil looks!



Stupidly, I didn't take a "Before" photo, so instead I took a picture of the composter, which is now 1/4 full of weeds, where 3 hours ago it was empty!



I mentioned a well dug bed earlier, that had just simply grown weeds, well I set Sean to work with some of those...



Another great thing about the plot is that there is akready a strawverry bed, with loads of flowering plants! There are plenty to last us the summer, there are 2 further small apple trees here.


Well that's a quick tour, moor soon!



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Wow...Martin, it looks beautiful....with a tree to rest under....idyllic!


The composter and greenhouse are beauties.


This should keep you out of mischief over the summer.


Keep us posted....with lots more pictures over the coming months!


Mind your back...don't overdo the digging! :lol:

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I can't believe how good your plot looks Martin, ours was overgrown with weeds up to five feet high and was chock full of bindweed. We are still fighting a constant battle with bindweed and dandelions as the plot opposite ours is neglected.


We also border a school playground, not so quiet on a weekday lunchtime :evil:


Take things slowly getting your plot just how you want it. It may take a couple of seasons but this way you'll have time to make good decisions about where to put things.


Good luck

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