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Why did you pick your chicken names?

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I love seeing all the different names you have all picked! Mind telling me a story about why you picked the names you did?


Mine are all names from characters in Quentin Tarantino movies. I even used to have a Beatrix, she was my favourite... by a crow killed her of all things, I was so heartbroken. Anyway... also you may notice in my signature that I also have odd cat names. My cats and dog are named after historical figures (sort of). Fawkes is four, he's named after Guy Fawkes, we got him on November 5th. Giacomo is named after Giacomo Casanova. And Belle is named after the first golden retriever ever bred :)


How about you?

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I like old women names for chickens 'cos think it suits them :D


We did have Babs from chicken run, the 4 hybrids as Alvin, Simon + Theodore were named after the chipmunks.

Purkinje hatched in Biology at school and thats a type of heart fibre :P

Alice from Wonderland.

Esmerelda was what I called the woman at the shop next to school :lol:

Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors 'cos she'll hopefully lay green eggs

Mabel - from FAME + a woman that worked in the hotel in Cuba

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I almost went with plant names (the girls were supposed to be Holly and Fern), but decided to give them Harry Potter names instead. The girls are called Bellatrix and Narcissa, and there are many other female members of the Black family still to be hatched, I'm sure! :lol:

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There was a post about this back in October, this is what I wrote then:

When I got my ex bats (via taras - still thanking you for looking after them!) I found I had 7 instead of the 4 to 6 I was expecting. I looked at my collection of leg rings and found I had the correct number and colours for a rainbow. The hens became collectively know as the Rainbow Girls, and I started thinking of names to do with colours. During this I spotted that jewels are coloured - idea!


Now we have Ruby, Amber, (Topaz RIP,) Peridot (I didn't want Jade), Sapphire, Tanzanite (you may have to Google that one) and Amethyst. We are getting some new hens next weekend who will be Onyx (a 'Sussex reverse' in black), Pearl (a Sussex - white) and maybe Agate, or something else which is brown - maybe Coral.


...and I did name the new girls Onyx, Pearl and Coral. I've also bought another set of leg rings so that whichever leg they pick up I can still tell who they are!



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Because chooks natter like Les Dawson's and Roy Barraclough's two old dear characters. The DH named the other as she 'looked majestic'. Looks are deceiving. :roll:


My last 3 were play on words (hen)Rita, (hen)Joy and, again DH named Grace as she was 'graceful'. She was a right mardy moo. :twisted:


When I get my two new ones - I am naming them - he's not getting a look in. They will be Doris and Edith after my grandmothers. :shh:

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Orakiah - Was watching a TV series called HEX and there was a book called the Book of Orakiah and i liked the name.I was going to call one of my Tortoises Orakiah but decided not to.


Lady Lay - My mum picked her name,I think it was a song or something :think:


Michael Jackson (MJ) - She looked like she was moonwalking when she was scratching for food lol


and i had 5 chicks i hatched a while ago all named after the characters in Hero's lol (Claire,Hiro,Ando,Kaito & Sylar)

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I named Goldy (RIP) because she had a golden colour on her hackle.

Sara was named by my sister, Sarah (how original :roll: )

Sarah (not Sara) was named after her previous owner, Sarah, (not my sister). Sorry if I'm confusing you :)

Helen (RIP) was named after Her previous owner's sister, Sarah

Benni was named after Benni in ABBA

American girl (RIP) was named after Independence day in America, since it was the 4th of July when I got her.

The rest of hens were named after names I just like.

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All of mine have been ex-batts/barns and my first ladies were mainly named by my niece and nephews. Niece picked Dandelion, who was joined by Daisy and Clover, being mainly what my lawn was made up of. Nephews picked Chance (I'm a lucky hen that's been give a second chance) and Joy (I'm jumping for joy 'cos I've been given a second chance) and I chose Hope.


Second girls names were picked as "something they'd never seen before" - Sun, Moon and Sky


Third batch were song names - Lola, Lady, Lucy, Rose, Roxanne and Rhiannon (who never responded to Rhiannon, but came running when called Little Chicken, so I gave in and her name is now officially Little Chicken :shock: )


Saturday's girls were Christmas chickens, so Holly, Berry and Mistletoe (saved by my youngest nephew from being Jolly, Merry and Tiddly :lol: )

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I started with 2 X-Files girls - Mulder and Scully

then 2 named for their colours - Treacle and Toffee

then 2 Harry Potter Silkies - Muggle and Squib

the Araucanas had Chilean names - Violetta and Gabriela

and my last 4 ex-batts are all Herbs - Parsley, Sage, Roasemary and Thyme. I plan to carry on this theme for the next set of ex-batts.

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What an interesting thread!

I had to have a Dorothy in my flock because my Mum used to have a favourite hen called Dorothy when she was little (named after her Mum! :lol: ). So I started with Dorothy and picked three other 'old lady' names that I liked for the others.

Lottie came from a neighbour after her other henny friends died and she was left as a lone hen, so she came with her own name.

The next hens I have (fingers crossed for a couple more ex batts at least in the spring) will be on the theme of 'sugar and spice and all things nice' so honey, treacle, ginger, caramel, toffee, nutmeg, cinnamon, marmalade etc.... think I'm going to need more than a couple more hens! :lol:

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I used precious stones, my DH picked Pearl (Miss Pepperpot) after the Black Pearl, my DD chose Opal as it was her birth stone and my DS chose Ruby after the song by the Kaiser Chiefs. Opal and Pearl have gone to the big hen house in the sky so when we picked our next 2 I was determined to name one - DD chose Hematite (Hemmy - Bluebell) because of her colour and my DH chose a sussex which my DS called Crystal :roll: I am determined to name one of my chickens eventually!

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Mine are Welsh names, as I'm Welsh and love the opportunity to use these names. I have had to stick to names that are relatively easy for English folk to pronounce so far, but DH doesn't know what is yet to come :twisted::twisted:


So, Blodwyn, Megan and Gwennie were the first three Omlet girls. The three banties are Dilys, Deryn and Gwladys. I have some splendid names up my sleeve for the future (Melangell, pronounced the Welsh way, anyone?)

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I have named mine alphabetical but with english literature names-Amber(forever-that dates me!), Bella (Wilfer-Our mutual Friend),Charlotte (Bronte-cos I'am a fan),Dotty (Dorothea Middlemarch) and Esmeralda (the hunchback of notre dame-yes I know its not english lit). The next girls will be F and G and so on.

Its sad but its keeps the mind active.


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Love your literary ladies...could see similar theme developing here but at the moment I have 2 Goode Life girls, Barbara & Margot, & Brigid just looked like a Brigid somehow...

When I get my banties in the spring I plan on having Faith, Hope, Charity...& working thro a list of virtues for a bit.

Had originally intended to see the chooks as "livestock not pets" (that lasted......oooh, about 2 minutes into hen owning) so 1st expected to have a succession of Barbaras, Margots & Brigids...But I know better now, of course :D

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Our themes have included Grandma's first and middle names...love old-fashioned names for hens...think they really suit them :)


Naming hens in honour of very special friends of mine.


Named one after MIL and the other after FIL...but only after he got jealous :lol:


3 of my children have named some of our hens after characters they like.


And our latest girls...5 ex batts are named after famous women.

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My first four ex-bats were named after mine and OH's grandmothers - Betty, Phyllis, Olive and Margaret. The second batch were given names matching the colours of their leg rings - Ruby (red), Ginger (orange), Vi (Violet) (purple) and Gertie (green).


The next group will most likely be named after my favourite Cadburys chocolate bars - Wispa, Fudge, Crunchie, Caramel... (chocolate mad me!!) :lol:

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Our first flock of hens from Omlet were all named after internet acronyms for laughter: Lmao, Pmsl and Rofl.

When they got taken by a fox we had some Scottish friends staying with us so when we got our new flock two days later we gave our four new hens "Scottish" names: Morag, Agnes, Mittens and Haggis. Morag and Haggis died within weeks of us getting them so we replaced them with two ex-batts that had previously been rehomed. We went to get them when it was dark and they'd gone to bed and (bare with me here...) we'd been to Amsterdam a few weeks before and went to the Anne Frank museum....we'd just been talking to the previous owners about our trip and when we went down to the coop to collect our new girls, she remarked that it was like the Germans taking the Jews in the middle of the night. So, our two ex-batts were named Anna and Margot after the Frank sisters.


We have names ready for our next arrivals but not sure when that will be!!

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Mine are all named after Dr Who assistants - I'm raiding the back catalogue of assistant names quite extensively now :lol: Started off with Rose, Martha, Donna and Sarah-Jane, sadly Rose and Martha are now in the great flock in the sky (along with Susan and Polly) but I still have 2 of my original girls still with me, and Donna is still laying nearly every day :D

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I'm feeling very inadequate in light of all the originality above! We have just Ginger and Pepper - as they were Omlet hens no prizes for guessing which breeds! But when we expand our flock i'm going to continue down the Spice Route and already imagine my Coriander, Saffron, Cinnamon etc will look!

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Mine are just random.

I had Jon and Edward, from X-Factor, because they had crazy 'hair' (Silkie x Pekins) :lol:

Blanche, Deirdre, and Ethel after old women, but Ethel got nicknamed 'Effy' off Skins.. :oops::lol:

Peggy and Pat, off Eastenders.

Betty and Rita, I named one Betty because my neighbour, Betty, loved her and she went in her house on several occasions, and Rita just seemed to fit.

Cheryl my old turkey was named that cause i said shes beautiful. It was either that or Katie Price. :lol:

Fizz and Pop(py), Fizz is a Pekin frizzle, and Poppy is a smooth Pekin.

Alice was named Alice because we had a turkey named Hatter, because it was mad. I also had another turkey named Biscuit, because she was Burbon Red. :P

Lucky was named Lucky by some little girls that visit. He was a 'chicken of fate' it wasn't supposed to be his name, but it stuck. :lol:

Holly was named that because its christmas. :anxious:


I think thats it.. :anxious:

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