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Omleteers fit for 2014

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That's great news Jude, if you feel out of puff then you're doing well.


I've not been getting to the gym much - I have been nursing a rotator cuff tear - shoulder injury, which is now healing, but meant laying off most exercise which involved using my arms :( still did plenty of dog walking though. I am going to get back to the gym next week.

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A very late entry here ......I thought about starting in January...but I hate January and hibernate away but at the start of August I joined a gym on a 6 week trial - hated it just got very bored, but tried the aquacise class - loved it, after a few weeks I then started jogging (well trying ....I have never jogged in 42 years....) and now on the couch to 5 k week 5, I only enjoy jogging around the woods and fields but am loving it - especially in the dark where I feel alot less self conscious...


And this morning I woke at 6 and went and completed my 2 - 8 minutes jogs

So I might be late but hopefully I will end 2014 fitter than I started......

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Well done :D:clap: .


I did the first of a series of 7 cross country races yesterday. Not exactly Speedy Gonzales but had OH behind me (almost recovered from a broken collarbone so not racing for real) saying 'catch up with that guy' or 'stop dithering and jump the river!' - not sure if that helped or hindered :lol: .


I think if that was my husband he may have been accidentally pushed in the river !!!!

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Enjoying the Pilates for the spine and feel less like I've been run over by a bus after - now more like I've been run over by a motor bike :lol: It is helping the old spine - wt loss still stuck at 11stone - lost 1and a half stone - OH lost 2 and a half. Dont you find when you get older if you lose wt and see someone you havent seen for ages they are concerned you are ill? A mum from school gates commented recently - "oh you've lost wt" and looked concerned - happy to reassure her I was on WW and said "wait till you see my OH" - I am now 1/2 stone heavier than I was 18 yrs ago before I got pregnant. Taken me 18 yrs to lose baby wt :lol:

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I'm still 4 and a half stone lighter than I started 2014 :)


I had lost more but Uni meant I put on a few lbs, am still keeping an eye on my weight and aim to get back on plan for a few weeks before I fly home for Christmas as we have a family wedding then obviously Christmas and New Year to look forward to :D

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So I managed week 6 run 2 in the mud and rain...not much fun but felt good....

Early in the week I had been to aqua aerobics and the normal instructor was not there...the new one was OK but not so intense and I had time to think...Why did I like the other instructor more ? Why am I enjoying jogging and aqua so much ??


Health benefits are really good but the main reason I realised is that in the aqua class especially she has us working so hard and changing the exercises so quickly that for that 1 hour I can think of nothing except what I am doing...and that is pure luxury....


1 hour of no worries, no stress, no lists of things to do....and that alone is worth it !!!!


(Losing a little weight would be nice but maybe that will come later ....)

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Feeling a bit stuck in a rut with my fitness. Getting bored with the Curves gym routine, so I am giving that up. Lost quite a few inches there over the past year. Now time to move on :D

Lots of fitness classes at the local community centre so I plan to try a few over the next few weeks. Want to try the mini trampoline exercise class, looks great fun if the you tube clips are anything to go by. No idea of the health benefits though :lol: circuits and aqua aerobics on the list too, haven't done either of those before.

Still greatly enjoying spin cycle classes. The dark Scottish mornings mean no cycling to work until February. My cycle to work is along dark country lanes and I am a wimp with a vivid imagination :shock::roll:

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Feeling pretty pleased that I kept up with fitness over Christmas. I only took Christmas Day off and avoided almost all cakes and puddings. I simply didn't make or buy any and "Ooops, word censored!"ody missed them so that was good.

Very excited about heading into the New Year with my little gym. It's still my favourite room and I'm still doing about an hour a day. I'm not losing weight as such but my shape is changing - for the good!

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Really pleased - I love my indoor bike and today it told me I had burnt off 1000 calories in less than one hour. Its a goal I've been chasing for a while. It took me 59 mins and 59 seconds!!!!!!

I have to pedal like crazy for the whole hour but now I know I can - but only every few days I think. My muscles feel tired and hot but in a good way. :dance:

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Yes, I know what you mean. I'm not altogether sure that I believe it, a thousand calories seems too good to be true. I googled it and it is definitely possible. I'm treating it as a random measure by which I can follow my progress. I must say though that for the first time in years I can see progress in my shape and fitness and general health.

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