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Odd Little Things...

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Doris (who used to be on the forum a lot) posted this on Facebook and I thought it was interesting for us all to fill in and learn odd little things about each other...

• Favorite smell -
• Last cried -
• Favorite pizza -
• Favorite flowers -
• Favorite dog breed -
• Favorite foot wear -
• Favorite ice cream -
• Shorts or jeans -
• What are you listening to -
• Colour of your vehicle -
• Colour of your eyes -
• Favourite Holiday - 
• Night owl or day person - 
• Favourite day of the week -
• Nickname - 
• Favourite type of music - 
• Tattoos -
• Do you like to cook -
• Can you drive a manual -
• Do you wear perfume -  
• Favorite colour -
• Do you like vegetables - 
• Do you wear glasses -
• Favourite season -
• Ever broken a bone - 
• Favourite place in the world -

Come on... Someone do this with me. Let's take a break from negativity & learn about each other. It’s fun!

• Favorite smell - tea bags and tumble driers
• Last cried - after my first work appraisal 🙄
• Favorite pizza - Fiorentina
• Favorite Flowers - sunflowers and succulents
• Favorite dog breed - Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
• Favorite foot wear - trainers
• Favorite ice cream - Haagen Dazs Salted Caramel
• Shorts or jeans - Shorts
• What are you listening to now - Lianne La Havas
• Colour of your vehicle - Grey
• Colour of your eyes - blue/green
• Favourite Holiday - sunny city break
• Night owl or day person - Night owl
• Favourite day of the week - Friday
• Nickname - Loopy
• Favourite type of music - mostly whatever’s in the charts
• Tattoos - nope
• Do you like to cook - yeah but rarely follow recipes 
• Can you drive a manual - yep
• Do you wear perfume - Diesel Only the brave
• Favorite colour - navy blue/black
• Do you like vegetables - more now than I used to!
• Do you wear glasses - really good vision
• Favourite season - Summer
• Ever broken a bone - tibia
• Favourite place in the world - India

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Favorite smell - Spring
• Last cried - last night... watching Call the midwife...🥺
• Favorite pizza - mont blanc (with cream cheese, rocket and cured ham)
• Favorite flowers - peony
• Favorite dog breed - Irish wolfhound or pitbull
• Favorite foot wear - a shoe... nothing fancy
• Favorite ice cream - any? 😋
• Shorts or jeans - jeans
• What are you listening to - radio
• Colour of your vehicle - magenta! 😎
• Colour of your eyes - blueish green
• Favourite Holiday - on my own on my motorcycle somewhere in a forest
• Night owl or day person - day person
• Favourite day of the week - Saturday 
• Nickname - P
• Favourite type of music - soundtracks of good films
• Tattoos - none
• Do you like to cook - no
• Can you drive a manual - yes
• Do you wear perfume -  no
• Favorite colour - teal or petrol blue
• Do you like vegetables - yes
• Do you wear glasses - yes
• Favourite season - spring
• Ever broken a bone - no
• Favourite place in the world - any good green forest with hills

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Love this makes you think!  Turns out I am incredibly boring!


• Favorite smell - fresh bread
• Last cried - when my son was born - 25/05/2017
• Favorite pizza - Pepperoni
• Favorite flowers - Lillies
• Favorite dog breed - Boxer
• Favorite foot wear - Trainers
• Favorite ice cream - Mint Choc Chip
• Shorts or jeans - Jeans
• What are you listening to -  Maroon 5 Memories
• Colour of your vehicle - Blue
• Colour of your eyes - Blue
• Favourite Holiday - America (I am a citizen)
• Night owl or day person - Night Owl
• Favourite day of the week - Saturday
• Nickname - Dicky
• Favourite type of music -  Pop
• Tattoos - No
• Do you like to cook - Love it!
• Can you drive a manual - Yes
• Do you wear perfume -  Yes - currently JEAN PAUL GAULTIER LE Beau
• Favorite colour - Blue
• Do you like vegetables - Some!  
• Do you wear glasses - Yes
• Favourite season - Summer
• Ever broken a bone - Fractured a wrist
• Favourite place in the world - Sweden

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 Favorite smell - Puppies' ears
• Last cried - holding a friend's newborn the other day
• Favorite pizza - homemade
• Favorite flowers - wild ones, or any bought as a present. NOT garage forecourt carnations
• Favorite dog breed type - Lurchers
• Favorite foot wear - flipflops, but usually in wellies
• Favorite ice cream - vanilla
• Shorts or jeans - depends on the weather
• What are you listening to - the stove crackling away
• Colour of your vehicle - dark grey + mud
• Colour of your eyes - dark brown
• Favourite Holiday - anywhere warm
• Night owl or day person - day person
• Favourite day of the week - any day - each is a gist, but really like days when I can lie in bed for a bit until the dogs start whinging downstairs
• Nickname - don't have one
• Favourite type of music - no real type - I am at an age where my music taste is very eclectic
• Tattoos - Nope
• Do you like to cook - absolutely, currently got an Ethiopian lentil stew bubbling away
• Can you drive a manual - of course, and 4x4 off roading and tractors and diggers and a dumper truck.
• Do you wear perfume -  yes, Chanel Cristalle - it's my signature
• Favorite colour - orange
• Do you like vegetables - yep
• Do you wear glasses - yes, for close work
• Favourite season - spring and summer
• Ever broken a bone - yep, loads
• Favourite place in the world  - too many to recount, but possibly Tuscany where my family comes form

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Favourite smell. Coffee

Last cried. Can't remember 

Favourite pizza. Mine

Favourite flowers. London Pride

Favourite dog breed. Not fussed anything that's not slobbery 

Favourite footwear. Baseball boots

Fav ice-cream. Chocolate 


What am I listening to. Watching TV right now, Godzilla is on. 

Vehicle colour. Grey

Eyes. Green 

Favourite holiday. My first trip to Japan. 

Day person 

Favourite day. Monday 

Nickname. Hey Jude

Favourite music. Metal

Tattoos. No

I like to cook but not that much and I'm always glad not to. 

I don't drive 

I wear perfume sometimes. Not fussed really. 

Favourite colour is a blue green sea kind of colour 

I love vegetables 

I wear glasses 

I love winter

I broke my wrist once 

Favourite place has to be Hokkaido. 



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3 hours ago, Lewis said:

Favorite smell - Oranges
• Last cried - last month in an argument 
• Favorite pizza - home made veggie with Parma ham
• Favorite flowers - snowdrops and tulips
• Favorite dog breed - beagle
• Favorite foot wear - Celt boots (like Uggs but Cornish)
• Favorite ice cream - Kelly’s Cornish Vanilla 
• Shorts or jeans - Jeans
• What are you listening to - OHs player on shuffle (mostly 80s)
• Colour of your vehicle - red
• Colour of your eyes - blue
• Favourite Holiday - tropical snorkelling / diving or skiing
• Night owl or day person - day
• Favourite day of the week - Saturday 
• Nickname - Jen-Pen
• Favourite type of music - 70s rock and 90s Britpop
• Tattoos - no
• Do you like to cook - yes
• Can you drive a manual - yes
• Do you wear perfume - no (used to wear Stella McCartney) is 
• Favorite colour - blue
• Do you like vegetables - yes
• Do you wear glasses - no
• Favourite season - summer
• Ever broken a bone - ribs
• Favourite place in the world - Sydney or Cornwall (home)

Love this - what a great idea!

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I love reading everyone's replies!!!


Here are mine....

Favorite smell - clean washing and essential oils
• Last cried - about an hour ago (PMT and end of a long half term with the children!)
• Favorite pizza - not a fan of pizza
• Favorite flowers - Daffodils
• Favorite dog breed - Jack Russell 
• Favorite foot wear - comfy ones (post children wide feet!!! )
• Favorite ice cream - mint choc chip
• Shorts or jeans - jeans
• What are you listening to - Classic fm
• Colour of your vehicle - Black
• Colour of your eyes - Green/Grey - Irish eyes! 
• Favourite Holiday - Greek island 
• Night owl or day person -  Night (time I am doing this!)
• Favourite day of the week - Monday - house to myself as everyone back to school & work
• Nickname - I dont have one...that I know of. 
• Favourite type of music - I love all types about from heavy metal!
• Tattoos - None....yet!
• Do you like to cook - love to cook!
• Can you drive a manual - Yes
• Do you wear perfume -  no
• Favorite colour - Blue
• Do you like vegetables - not much
• Do you wear glasses - used too, had eye surgery
• Favourite season - All of them!! 
• Ever broken a bone -  No....not yet!
• Favourite place in the world - Home

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• Favorite smell - a strongly fragrant rose, honeysuckle, most scented flowers.
• Last cried - dunno.
• Favorite pizza - home made with home made tomato paste and not home made mozzarella!  Mushroom and chicken and peppers . . . 
• Favorite flowers - penstemons, unfortunately they aren't scented!
• Favorite dog breed - hairy ones - collies, wantsies a rough collie, alsatians etc.  But I also love cats - Maine Coon/Norwegian Forest/British longhair - spot the theme!
• Favorite foot wear - I have to wear something?  Prefer bare foot but walking boots is the norm, or socks if it is cold indoors!
• Favorite ice cream - always test a brand's vanilla - if that's good then the other flavours probably are.  Rum and raisin - bestest.  But a proper Cornish clotted cream vanilla - slurp!
• Shorts or jeans - neither.  Nobody wants to see my legs in shorts - even me!  Jeans aggravate my back.
• What are you listening to - the fire crackling away.
• Colour of your vehicle - blue
• Colour of your eyes - greeny grey with a lot of yellow around the iris.  If the sun is at the right angle, then they take on a teal hue.

• Favourite Holiday - Canada - mega trip!  
• Night owl or day person - hoot hoot!
• Favourite day of the week - remind me what today is?  I lose track of days
• Nickname - Koojiebear
• Favourite type of music - all of it, all sorts from classical to metal, country to reggae.  Even all around the world - I have an Inuit CD! Although Canadian cuz gave it to me!
• Tattoos - nope
• Do you like to cook - yes, but OH has taken over the kitchen.
• Can you drive a manual - pick up has front wheel drive and assorted 4x4 sections depending on terrain or weather, manual.  Have driven a big tractor (low gear - all those buttons and knobs!!!!)

Do you wear perfume - only Impulse hint of musk sometimes if I'm going out - usually it's Johnson's baby powder!
• Favorite colour - green
• Do you like vegetables - I do but I can't bear beetroot!
• Do you wear glasses - for long sight and for close up needlework.
• Favourite season - Spring
• Ever broken a bone - not only broke, but dislocated resulting in quadruple fracture of the ankle.  When I do something I make sure I do it well!
• Favourite place in the world - home.

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OOOh, just picked up on this (never one to be up to date, me!)

Favourite smell - Lavender oil.Reminds me of when the boys were small and had this in their pre bed bath. Makes me think of snuggly, sleepy lads!

Last cried - after my hip op - 11/2/20 - I blame the anesthetic and relief that my legs were still the same length

Favorite pizza - goats cheese and red onion

Favorite flowers - tulips

Favorite dog breed - hamsters!

Favorite footwear - anything comfy.  Can't wear heels - I get vertigo

Favorite ice cream - really good quality vanilla

Shorts or jeans - jeans

What are you listening to - rain on the velux!

Colour of your vehicle - Skoda say it's red but I think it's orange. Still, difficult to tell due to all the scratches and dings!

Favorite holiday - Gower/Devon beaches with my boys

Night owl or lark - neither; I peak around mid day then it's downhill

Colour of your eyes - blue

Favorite day of the week - Saturday

Nickname - I couldn't possibly tell you!

Favorite music - Medieval 

Tattoos - Urgh. NOOOOOO!

Do you like to cook - Yes - especially baking; big slab of parkin in the oven as I type

Perfume - Molton Brown Geranium Nerfertum in the winter and L'Occitane verbena for summer

Colour - duck egg blue

Veggies - Must I? If so, sprouts. Even the smell of celery makes me heave!

Glasses - Sadly, yes!

Season - Autumn

Every broken a bone - right big toe x 3, fractured wrist aged 5

Fav place in the World - Where my boys are but pref Bigbury beach rockpooling with them

This is fun! Great idea!

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Another slowcoach!

Favorite smell - jasmine
• Last cried - can't remember
• Favorite pizza - thin crust with a scrape of topping
• Favorite flowers - snowdrops
• Favorite dog breed - border terrier - but any scruffy looking dog will do
• Favorite foot wear - neoprene wellies
• Favorite ice cream - coffee
• Shorts or jeans - jeans
• What are you listening to - a very noisy Spanish class going on in the room next to my office
• Colour of your vehicle - I think it used to be grey but it's too dirty to tell these days
• Colour of your eyes - grey
• Favourite Holiday - outdoors, walking with lots of wildlife
• Night owl or day person - day person
• Favourite day of the week - Friday
• Nickname - Dr Hell (in a previous job)
• Favourite type of music - whatever I'm listening to at the time
• Tattoos - nah
• Do you like to cook - usually
• Can you drive a manual - yes
• Do you wear perfume -  Jo Malone Basil & Neroli or Earl Grey & Cucumber
• Favorite colour - deep velvety purple
• Do you like vegetables - love them (except for swede and white cabbage - yuk)
• Do you wear glasses - yes
• Favourite season - Autumn
• Ever broken a bone - wrist, rib and several fingers
• Favourite place in the world - the North York moors

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