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X Factor

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I haven't managed to watch any of it this time around - don't think I'll bother now :? But as long as there are people desperate enough to put themselves up for this kind of humiliation, there will be people just as eager to exploit them, and people voyeuristic enough to watch them.

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I agree Lesley. The X factor does have it's good points. It allows the common person to share/show their talent and to possibly live a dream that wouldn't happen ordinarily, but on the other hand, to find that one person, an awful lot seem to go through hell and humiliation unnecessarily in the name of 'entertainment'.


Many of the bands/artists around today come from very privileged, privately educated backgrounds that allow them to buy the intsruments, have the lessons and they don't have to work etc....which is fine if the talent is there, but many of these X Factor contestants are as talented, but don't have financial, emotional or educational stability behind them to go any further.


Hmmm...but then they make it and earn stupid amounts of money that no one person really needs all to themselves.......it's all wrong isn't it?

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Why do they all have to bring a sob story.


It is as if they are expecting extra votes because they have been to a funeral, split from a partner or had a gun waved in their face.


The deluded overweight girl in the dreadful dress made by her Dad :shock: had been through 4 auditions before she went before the panel. Anyone with half an ear for music and an ounce of common sense would have realised that she didn't have a prayer, but this poor soul and her odd finger crossing family had been given the impression that he had a chance when in fact she had been set up to fail. Horrible. Her life is now being made a misery by her peers at home.


I also wonder why they reject some singers who could be honed into successful singers at the auditions and waste places at Boot Camp etc by letting nose twanging geriatrics and middle aged lap dancers through.


I though Raquel is the most evil piece of goods I have seen in a long time, and I agree with Sharon about Riddian or whatever he calls himself.


But I never watch it. :oops::liar::whistle:

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We watch it but missed it on Saturday due to being in a field in the Lake District.... My mum watched it with Layla and declared it a load of rubbish.


Some of the auditions are horrible - but many look set-up to me - some people will do anything for their 5 minutes though won't they?


I can't believe that poor girl and her parents really believed she would get through - I think they were either paid to be on there or they just wanted to be on TV.


Last year we only watched it once the boot camp stage was over. I think the show does provide a great opportunity for people to showcase their talents but perhaps (like Opportunity Knocks - remember that one - my brother was on it once...) they should not show the auditions - it just encourages more weirdos to turn up!


But people do watch it, just as they do read the sensationalist press and whatever sells is good news for someone.

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The whole show is a complete fix.


The televised auditions are promoted as if thats the first audition, it isn't. There is a pre-audition where another set of judges pick people based on what might in their opinion make good tv. Usually a dangerous lack of talent.


They pick a few truely talented people with good voices and fill the gaps with deluded pondlife so we can all have a laugh at them while they perform their routine. Some are so bad you could scarcely believe they would get an invite to the audition. Most people could sing better if they were on fire! :D


If was a level playing field singing contest, everyone on the televised part of the show would be varying levels of very good singers and there would be no one to laugh at, and of course no-one would watch it.


There must be thousands of really good singers who don't get a look in because they are not good enough to win the show and not retarded and bad enough to appear in it.


The best strategy (provided you can sing) is to act like you are a deranged fool or have been hypnotised by a sadist until the televised round and then make a dramatic transformation back to normality for the tv bit. They would probably just edit you though. :roll:


I honestly think some people are doing it on purpose to take the mickey out of the judges.



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fix or not why on earth would a family want to put their daughter,neice or granddaughter through that??? :roll::evil:


Im prob gonna get shot but She was how old?? how big! no child should be that size at that age! :twisted: feed her decent food in decent portion sizes! and exercise, somethings they cant be doing! :evil:


It really ruffles my feathers to see children like that there is no excuse!!!

The dress just made her look bigger! and to be harsh! she couldnt sing! it was cruel for her family to allow her to go through with the audition!


I would rarther see her told the truth in the 1st auditions then see her be pushed through and get hurt down the line! personally I think even 16 is too young to be in that business!!


I dont want to offend as in is only my opinion but I fully stand by what I have just said!!





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I completely agree about the overweight girl, I thought "they" - the state police :shock::? - were taking action against parents who mal nourished their children to such an extent - and it is mal-nourishment. Never mind the emotional abuse of putting her up to be jeered and laughed at - in whose book does that make good parenting? :evil:


That said a lot of those contestants MUST know how appalling they are and they go on for their 5 minutes of fame. We, the consumers, watch them and have a good laugh. If they're consenting adults then there's no harm, it's not exactly challenging viewing but if you want to slob out with brain-junk TV it's ideal. If there was no demand, if the viewing figures were rubbish, it would get dropped. Anyone who thinks that these shows are "straight down the line" I think is kidding themelves.



Mrs Bertie

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I completely agree about the overweight girl, I thought "they" - the state police :shock::? - were taking action against parents who mal nourished their children to such an extent - and it is mal-nourishment. Never mind the emotional abuse of putting her up to be jeered and laughed at - in whose book does that make good parenting? :evil:


That said a lot of those contestants MUST know how appalling they are and they go on for their 5 minutes of fame. We, the consumers, watch them and have a good laugh. If they're consenting adults then there's no harm, it's not exactly challenging viewing but if you want to slob out with brain-junk TV it's ideal. If there was no demand, if the viewing figures were rubbish, it would get dropped. Anyone who thinks that these shows are "straight down the line" I think is kidding themelves.



Mrs Bertie


i agree

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Emma - I totally agree with everything you say about the overweight girl. She is missing out on so much in life and dressed by her father to look ridiculous! They are not giving her any confidence, but making a mockery of her. Feeding her wrongly etc, I mean look at the parents, they were blubbery too. I felt very sorry for that poor girl! Lets hope that when she is old enough, she gets away from those dreadful parents & makes something of herself and maybe becomes a slimmer girl enjoying life to the full!



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Either way, it'll be what they want on TV to apparently entertain us :roll:


Susan :)


Sorry, probably a bit harsh here, but if you don't find it entertaining, or cruel to some of the contestants the answers simple................. SWITCH OFF :shock:


I have no idea what you're all talking about, I stopped watching X factor about 3 series ago forming the opinion that it was exploitative drivel and haven't watched it since. If everyone switches off they'll stop making it; ratings are what it's all about :wink: So, if you don't like it or disapprove of it you know what to do, if sufficient people agree that'll be it :D .


I'd recommend Ben Elton's book "Chart Throb" as well, loosely based on X factor and very entertaining :D

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Danni's group I like Leon only.


Louis' group I like all of them :)


Sharon's group I like Alisha and the mad kimberley (barmaid)


Simon's group - none....well I dont mind the brother and sister simply for pure cheese :) and they are nice people. Dont like the other 2 groups - a bit ghetto "innit" singers for my liking :wink::lol:

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The 2 'put together' groups had to get through. :roll::roll:


I have to admit, I was welling up at one point (big jesse that I am)!


Its cheesy nonsense TV but i love it!!


Tha Rhyd boy has had peck inplants!!! Have you seen them! blimey! He must be a 32C !


Love that comment Laura! :wink:

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