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Check out this wee guy!

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Found this on their website!!


The new litter of piglets at Pennywell Farm have been delighting the visitors and love to be cuddled.


We have received hundreds of enquiries from all over the world from people wanting to buy a piglet for themselves. The office is currently being bombarded with phone calls so to save the sanity of the office staff, if you would like to enquire about the piglets, please send an email to: info@pennywellfarm.co.uk

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I emailed the link to my DH, saying "After the chickens, this is what I'd like to get..."


He's a bit worried now.


For years I've been saying I'd like to get some chickens when I stop work. I stopped work 18 months ago, and started to talk more about getting chickens. Then I took him to Wernlas, he wasn't keen to go, and it turned out he had thought I was joking all this time.


He's not sure whethert I'm serious about the piggy or not, so he's employing the "let's ignore it and hope it goes away" tactic!

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