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I think I need a few healing prayers and positive vibes as well please - I'll be grateful for whatever you can send :lol::lol:


I've done nothing but sleep on the settee today, am still in my PJs. My throat is so sore and swollen it hurts to talk, eat or drink and I'm covered in spots. The poor boys had it earlier in the week - can't believe I've got it as well :roll: My face and neck are glowing red and I ache all over. It is so painful to swallow and the paracetamol isn't really making any difference :(:( I just feel well enough to come on the forum for a few minutes, then I start falling asleep again. The children have been abandonned (16 year old is doing a stirling job entertaining them, OH is on nights so he has been in bed all day)


Sorry to have a moan - it's so frustrating, all I can think of is all the things I can't get done :roll: I HATE being like this. Thank goodness it doesn't hurt when I talk to you all! :lol:

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oh dear, you sound really poorly :(


Its not measles or anything like that is it? :?


If your throat is extremely sore it might be tonsilitis or strep throat - I've had that before and it felt like I was going to die.


If your no better, or if you are worse tomorrow morning I would try and get an emergency docs appointment to get some antibiotics.


Get well soon and keep us posted - (if you can stay awake! :wink: )

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My Horrible cold made my throat so SORE Y-day that even when I whispered it was like razor blades on my throat :cry: plus on thrusday I was coughing up nasty stuff and my throat got swollen and tight found it a bit hard to breathe :shock: (panicking mostly) but I haven't got a glowing red face or neck :? and I'm noty covered in spots. I think everyone is right to get it checked out just in case.

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Oh Snowy how terrible for you! :(:(


Sore throats are just the worst but with everything else as well you must be feeling really fed up.


The pharmasist i work with always says that you should try and gargle with soluble paracetamol or asprin with a sore throat as it causes a 'direct hit to the pain' - ive tried it a few times and it seems to work well. Not a miracle cure but it might help :D


Hoping you start to feel better soon and lots of hugs coming your way

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Is it chicken pox? I had it a few years ago aged 32 and it was the most ill I've ever been, a new symptom every day on top of the itchy spots. A dreadful sore throat was a constant symptom. I couldn't take ant-virals or antihistamine as Ali was only 12 weeks old and I was feeding him myself.


I hope you feel better soon - at least it's the weekend so hopefully your hubby is around to help



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Thank you all!

It is definitely not chicken pox - I had that at 21, nasty! :shock:

I was wondering if the children had picked up rubella, but it can't be that as I know I am definitely immune!

I think it is just a virus, but unfortunately I am prone to tonsilitis and I think it has hit the old tonsils first. I'll get some anti-b's on Monday.

My face and chest are now glowing bright red! :shock: I've taken some piriton in the hope it will ease it a bit. OH was very good, he fed the children before going to work. The rest of the house can go to pot! :lol:

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I feel the same Snowy - but without the spots! Carl's had it all week and is starting to feel better now. We've struggled to water the animals but there's just the two of us................... I can't imagine feeling like this and having to cope with littlies.........I hope you soon feel better!

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Never mind the housework - get the kiddies to do things and pay them for it - they will love that! - Just keep warm and keep taking the paracetamol. I have the stinker of a cold with a nose to-day which is running like a tap and I am sore with sneezing which I have done about 40 times so far. That and a sore knee is misery - on the painrelief for the knee and had to ask pharmacist if I could take lemsip as well which is a relief as I could so hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling more human - cleaning the eglu like this was not much fun. I do sympathise with you and hope you are better tomorrow.

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Thanks for all your good wishes! :D

Although I've still got a mega sore throat and look very spotty, I feel tons better. Managed to have a shower and get dressed. I've even been pottering in the garden! Had to come in for a rest now though - I've done this before. First sign of energy returning and I go at everything full tilt again, then end up crashing :lol:

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