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Plagued by nuisance calls

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Over the last week I have had up to 3 nuisance calls a day, all from overseas.

They start with a recorded voice mail mesage saying I have won a holiday/$1000 etc, then asking you to press a button. I generally hang up, but I did just go through to the operator a second ago & told them that I was registered with The Telephone Preferance Service (is that what they were called?), & so why were they phoning me :evil:


I remember registering with a couple of places to stop these calls a couple of years ago,on the advice of some other forum members. We have the same number,so why have the calls started again.

One I had last week said it was a Government Announcement :?


Any ideas?

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I've had several of these lately as well Cinnamon, despite being TPS registered. :roll: I try not to answer if it's a number I don't recognise, but the stress comes with dropping what I'm doing and racing round like an idiot trying to find the phone in the first place! :evil:

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Answer the phone then put it to one side for 10 minutes and see if they are still interested in talking :D


I am ex-directory and registered with TPS, I still get the odd call. I also get about 3 different faxes trying to communicate with me every quarter too :? I asked BT to check ages ago and the numbers were ones supplied in bulk for another telephony company to supply to their customers. I used to get the calls in the middle of the night, so had to unplug the bedroom phone :evil:

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Used to get those free holiday calls but when OH answered one and they asked what earning bracket we were in he told them we jointly got less than 12K a year and strangely enough we haven't had any since. :lol:


thats a good idea :clap: just tell them we dont have any money - which isn't a lie :)

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:shock::? I had an International call yesterday - recorded message, beginning along the lines of " this is a government announcement". Glad you posted this - thought it was just me. Although - no glad anyone is getting these calls - what if someone is trying to contact in an emergency :?:
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There's a terrific wind up that was recorded on a US radio station, the fellow always tapes his calls and sends it to the station. I can't find the link any more, but it went something like this:

Guy calls to sell something (and as usual they start with "I'm not selling you anything . . . ")

Owner pretends to be a policeman in charge of a murder scene at the premises, then wants to know all the caller's details. It is so painful to listen to, the caller gets into such a panic when he thinks the "policeman" regards him as a suspect. It goes on until he realises he has been set up.

Unfortunately all the callers we get can't even pronounce our names, can't speak English very well, so it wouldn't work. One night the answerphone was going every half hour until someone answered, and then I had a very rude lady who said "I don't want you I want to speak only to your husband I want speak to him NOW!" Well I'm not the best person to do that to on the phone (face to face I wilt), so I told her that in my house those that "want" don't get and then I told her to go away and never darken my doors again (well, bit shorter than that really)! And she couldn't even say his name properly.

OH gets plagued with rubbish e-mails, mostly Viagra based. He has even had one from Nigeria - took a while to suss that one out, because it may have been a customer. When reply came from slightly better educated person, OH spotted the origin, although he was angry that he had replied because now they know his website and mail address is valid.


Main thing to remember - do not press any buttons on your phone, it may activate something for them and they can run up a bill on your account.

Do not give them any personal information - banks do not ask unless you have called them and they NEVER ask for PIN numbers. Same applies to e-mails.

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I don't have caller display either,but I do have Call Minder, so I am thinking of just having that on immediate answer for the next couple of weeks


Anyone who I actually want to talk to knows my mobile anyhow.


What really annoys me is when its comapnies you have dealt with & asked specifically not to call you when they take your details. Vodaphone keep calling & I remember that when we upgraded our mobiles last winter we checked the 'do not call us EVER' box :roll:


Cold & nuisance calls are one thing that truly wind me up.

And how come they always phone when I am either cooking or eating too? :evil:

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Oh, this is a subject to turn us all into seething heaps!! I get so cross with these people. Brace yrselves, as the Universities break up soon and there'll be a flood of calls. I try to disarm them by being nice, and getting them off their script!!

The other option is to say that yrs is a Guarded number and that they are illegally telephoning you. Nope, haven't a clue what it means, but they get off the line PDQ in most cases :)

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There is something called restricted ex directory which means it is an offence to cold call you so just tell them that :roll:


You have to have a pretty good reason before you can get that level of restriction put on your number but they don't need to know that :lol:


Mind you I am restricted and I still used to get cold calls from the UK until I registered with TPS :evil:

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:shock::? I had an International call yesterday - recorded message, beginning along the lines of " this is a government announcement".


I got that same call yeaterday evening, I quickly put the phone down.


I have also heard about the call saying you have won a holiday and then being asked to press a certain button on your phone and listen to instructions how to claim your holiday. This is scam that was going around our area a while back. The local paper reported it. If you press the button you get charged £15 or more on your phone bill :shock:


I tend to only answer a number I recognise but yesterday I was hurrying to go out and just picked up the phone.

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These computer voices are a nuisance :( We had pretty much stopped getting unwanted calls with ex directory and TPS but they have started again with computer voices.


Hubby used to get regular calls from his book club and one of his credit cards and gas supplier and he has threatened them all with taking his business elsewhere which has stopped them for the moment.


I don't even talk now if it is an unwanted call i just put the phone straight down. I do feel a bit sorry for the people who fell that they have to do these sort of jobs so I won't shout at them but equally I don't have to talk to them

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