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Any regrets???

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Does anyone regret getting their chooks???


I've had my pair for a little over 2 weeks and the only regret i have is not getting three. Yes,my grass looks like a goat has been munching at it-yes they keep tapping at backdoor-yes they follow me around like lost puppies and yes-they poo everywhere,but what the heck! :dance:


What about you?

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Funnily enough,my one regret was not getting 3 too, but I soon rectified that & now have 11 :roll::lol:


Getting my Hens is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I still think of that moment I saw the Omlet Eglu ad in Good Housekeeping & shudder slightly to think I might have missed it!


They have got me out of the house,they have got me recycling more,they have made me think about what we eat as a family & they have made me lots of super new friends too 8)


I will ALWAYS have hens,until my dying day :D

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As a complete newbie to chicken keeping - we got our girls last Sunday - I would say there is no regret, how could there be?


After tea tonight we, (me, OH, and the children, even the nearly 17yr old!!), went out into the garden, me and OH sat and had a drink the children played around with a ball and the chickens freeranged..........bliss!!!!


If we didn't have the chickens, we wouldn't even all have a pair of wellies never mind been outside on a cold April Sunday evening!!


Anybody we've told that we've got chickens, look at us like we're fruit loops.....their loss :D

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I too watched the forum for at least 6 months before plucking up the courage to keep hens. I don't regret having them for one minute. With hindsight I would have purchased a cube and 10 hens as they are so addictive. What was like pre hens?? I can't remember!! :D

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If the first four days are anything to go by, I find them utterly life-enhancing! :D


I think yours is the most soul lifting response i've heard Sue! :clap:


Like you-im a relative newbie and am continually learning all the time,but we've all gotta start somewhere. :D


I want to rectify my only regret though by getting a third.Me thinks i'll have to ring the poultry breeder in Bottisham! :D

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Regrets - I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention ... :wink:


Wish I'd got three hens to start with, wish I'd got them sooner, wish I'd gone for a Cube sooner (although it wasn't available when I first got them!). Wish I'd bought a bigger composter to start with (I now have three).


There are so many positives to keeping chickens, I can't imagine life without them.

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I suspect anyone regrettinng getting chickens is unlikely to be on this forum :shock::lol:


But like others my only regrets are only getting 2 to start and not going for the cube. The cube literally appeared on the web site on the day I went to place my order and threw me into confusion :oops: I talked it over with a delightful man at Omlet (no idea who) who reassured me eglus hold their value on ebay - what he didn't say was that when I do go for a cube I will want to keep my eglu as well :roll:


So the plan is to do the courses to pay for the cube - except my eldest who wants to do the courses with me has negiotiated his cut before the cube fund so it may take a bit longer ...

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No regrets, not even in the pouring rain as i'm sitting in the shed watching them forage about.They make me laugh and best of all give me eggs every day without fail,(so far).I too wish I'd got 3 rather than 2 cos now I'm worried that if I introduce a third I'll upset the happy couple!

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