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You know you have chickens when .............

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When you scream "chickens" everytime you drive past a garden/field/roundabout with chickens on it!


When you wake up at 2am to BOK BOK BOK BOOOOK! Grab your dressing gown and run outside to tell them to shush up and realise you had been dreaming about bokking chickens and the real chooks are sound asleep :oops: (Me last week)

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When you have "Omlet Eglu" saved as a search on ebay just incase there is a bargain locally!


Come on.....own up!


Oh yes, that's me :oops: .


When you scream "chickens" everytime you drive past a garden/field/roundabout with chickens on it!


When you wake up at 2am to BOK BOK BOK BOOOOK! Grab your dressing gown and run outside to tell them to shush up and realise you had been dreaming about bokking chickens and the real chooks are sound asleep :oops: (Me last week)


Yes, I scream "Chickens", when we go past fields with chickens in :oops::lol: , and I woke up at 4am the other morning completely sure I could hear Leala, but they were all fast asleep :roll: .

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Guilty of everything!


Kids start producing chicken related coursework and the moderator knows WITHOUT LOOKING whose class that kid was in :oops::oops:


Or is that ONLY ME??


For my business coursework, I had to do a project on a product I knew a lot about. Guess what I chose? Yes, an Omlet Eglu. :D I didnt have to do any research :lol:


When you scream "chickens" everytime you drive past a garden/field/roundabout with chickens on it!


Yes, me again. On the way home from school, there is a house with about 20 chickens just free - ranging in the garden. Everytime we pass it, I scream chickens and try to count them. Boy do I get some funny looks.




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Guilty of nearly all of it!!


When the children take a teeny weeny egg into school for show and tell ... 8) And are able to explain to the class and teacher why it is called a fart egg ... :oops:




I didn't know it was called a fart egg? :shock: We've got a weeny weeny egg (first one from one of the Indian Game birds, ED is taking it in for show and tell, if I tell her it's a fart egg she will be BESIDE herself with joy!!! :lol::lol: Why is it called a fart egg? :lol:



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When you hear yourself giving a mini talk on henkeeping when the person in the queue behind you at the supermarket asks why you have bought 12 tins of sweetcorn.


You have a dedicated 'hen coat'


Most of your other coats have sultanas and mealworms in the pockets.


The bloke at the angling shop is happy to accept half a dozen eggs in exchange for half a pint of maggots.


Put an extra handful of rice in the pan, hoping that it won't all be eaten by the humans.

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Guilty of nearly all of it!!


When the children take a teeny weeny egg into school for show and tell ... 8) And are able to explain to the class and teacher why it is called a fart egg ... :oops:




I didn't know it was called a fart egg? :shock: We've got a weeny weeny egg (first one from one of the Indian Game birds, ED is taking it in for show and tell, if I tell her it's a fart egg she will be BESIDE herself with joy!!! :lol::lol: Why is it called a fart egg? :lol:




:lol: Don't honestly know why it's called a fart egg, also called witches egg or wind egg. Probably because they usually just contain egg white. People also used to think they were laid by cockerels! :lol:

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..when you walk down the street and you can hear chickens even though you know that there aren't any.




That's me!


I am always hearing chickens.... :anxious:


I even get out of bed early cos I think I can hear the girls in the cube and there is no sound at all.


Quite freaky. :anxious:

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They're known as 'wind eggs' don't ask me why as their formation has nothing to do with wind... of any kind :lol::lol: Keeps small boys laughing though!


When your dog walking anorak has chicken wormer smeared on one of the sleeves.


We also shout 'chicken' whenever we see one.


Total strangers email you asking about chook-keeping... I currently 'answer' two email chicken helplines :roll:


Your dog has a squeaky chicken toy :oops:

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:lol: Hear, hear to all the above and a few more for you:


When you leave the greenhouse door open when it rains so they can shelter in it - the plants have just got to deal with the cold anyway.

When you trip over half a dozen shoes at the backdoor because DD's friends want to see the girls.

When you trip over the black plastic on the pathway that should be underneath the stone chips.

When your stones from the dry stone walling has been scattered everywhere because DD likes to let the girls get at the ants nests.

You need lots of packets of cinnamon because French toast is very popular.

Your elderly mum warns you every ruddy day that you will become egg bound. :roll:

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when you walk the long way home by the river as you know someone has some gorgeous chooks there


When you cook extra spaghetti/rice for their treats. Well, it save on energy doing it in bulk :D


When you talk about your girls, people think you mean your daughters, but you actually mean your chooks :oops:

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When you get the girls up in the morning then get to work and realise you're still wearing your 'chicken shoes' :oops:


Almost done that one, realised before the car left the drive :oops::lol:


When you hear them clucking and know exactly who is clucking just from the cluck.


Can do that one :oops: , visitors look at me in amazement when I know who's coming round the corner before they appear :lol: .

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When you get the girls up in the morning then get to work and realise you're still wearing your 'chicken shoes' :oops:



I've done that


Smart work clothes - check

Handbag - check

Laptop - check

Car keys - check

Wellies - check!


Got a few miles away in the car and sat through one traffic jam before I realised :doh:

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