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Patricia W

tax on chickens?

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There's an article in The Times today (page 21) about owners facing taxes for animal disease insurance. It says that anyone owning a cow, pig,sheep or CHICKEN will have to pay a new animal disease tax and also pay compulsory insurance to cover costs in case of an outbreak of disease. It will be 8p for a chicken. It mentions " keepers of small backyard flocks". I'm assuming that it won't affect those of us with less than 50 chickens - am I right?




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I knew it :twisted: someone posted here a while ago about US home chicken keepers having to pay for a license and lots of people posted that it would not be long before our government cottoned on to it, I hope it does not apply to most of us with very small numbers of hens

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And how, exactly, is this going to be enforced?

Armies of civil servants, now there's a way to reduce the unemployed. :idea:

Give them government jobs to big bruvver the rest of us. :evil:

We will have to wear Kev's design T shirts hidden underneath our normal clothes bearing them only at clandestine support meetings.


This story is a day too early

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We will have to microchip every hen, supplying DEFRA with a recent UNSMILING photograph and register her on a database linked to a bank account from which there will be a direct debit taken a year in advance.

I suspect fowl play :shh::shh:

:lol::lol::lol: I can just picture hens sitting on that little swivel chair in the photo booth, and prob leave a pressie for the next person

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Fear not! I think we might just be okay :)


According to Farmers Weekly the levy per chicken is 4p. On Defra's consultation paper (Annex 9 Thresholds for payment of registration fee) the table shows that they would not collect from any premise with less than 397 chickens as the cost of invoicing would be greater than the revenue collected.


This means that we can all have 396 chickens and not have to pay the tax - I best go and buy some more then :lol::dance:

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