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Chicken Memorials

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Our baby silkie Kari passed away this morning. She never had the easiest life... we picked her up from a breeder and found out that she had a severe case of Mycoplasma. She had jabs and Tylan and looked like she was on the mend (even sunbathing with the others - Kari is the chicken on the right on my profile picture) however, her condition deteriorated this week and sadly passed away today (the vet said that there was a build up of fluid in her lungs :cry: ).


She was a small, quiet and friendly silkie. We will miss her but we'll never forget her.


Kari 25.07.10 - 29.08.10

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Hello All, took Butters to the Vet on saturday, she had been poorly for days I suspected it was perotonitis vet said she was very poorly but if we wanted she would xray her, but she could not guarantee anything would help, I felt as she was so weak I did not want to put her through more prolonged misery.


I agreed when we got ex batts we would not spend a fortune on medication, but also if there was a chance they would live longer we would support the vet. Comforting myself by saying we gave her a nice 16 months but it is still hard when they go, she was a great wee character :(

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All was well this morning when I let the girls out, they tottered down for their food as normal. I went up to check for eggs at 12:00 and the girls went out to FR and have a run about. I got a little bored with my work and went up to do some hen watching to find amy and maggs running around looking anxious. I spotted Beryl very still in her dust bath :cry:


Beryl has gone to the great big free range field in the sky. I hope that the two months of flapping her wings in the open made up for the long time she spent stuck in a battery cage and she spent her last moments in her favourite dust bath :(




I am not sure why she died but I always got the feeling she was never completely right. She never laid an egg whilst she was here with me but that was ok. She would go through the motions in the nest box but was always happily flapping her wings and gozzling her food. She came from the BHWF with a bit of a dirty bum which never cleared up despite worming. After a week here she went from top hen to bottom hen but otherwise seemed happy. I hope I didnt do anything wrong. My other girls seem ok they are eating well and laying nearly every day so I hope it is nothing catching. I know I should go and look Beryl over but I cant, it was hard enough picking her up.


Bye bye Beryl xx

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Had to have Korma put to sleep this afternoon. :cry::cry: She's not really been 100% since the episode with the stuck egg. She did perk up and start to lay for a couple of weeks in June but over the last month or so she was evidently not 100%, although eating and drinking, occasionally would go very quiet with tail down. She seemed ok when we were away last week but on Sunday when we got back I realised how much weight she had lost, even though she managed to eat her favourite - tomatoes!!!


This morning I found her lay on her side outside the eglu so I put her in a box and syringed some water with honey into her but she got more 'sleepy' as the day went on so I took her to the vet this afternoon, who agreed with me that she needed to be put to sleep.


I didn't think I would get as upset as I did. I knew I would be sad, but I bawled my eyes out in the vets, who I have to say was very kind (she has chickens too). I just wonder how Tikka will be without her as she has stood by the box with Korma all day. I have the two new ones but they're not ready to integrate yet.

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My lovely little Louie - GIngernut Ranger- has passed away. I found her "asleep" in the cube this morning. She was at least 2 and a half years old. She had stopped laying about a year ago and I thought we might have lost her in April when she had sour crop, followed by impacted crop, then peritonitis. After a sleepover at the vets (which they loved having her as she was so well behaved)she pulled through and enjoyed the whole of the Summer. She started to go down hill 2 days ago. I gave her some antibiotics, but she didn't want to eat or drink and stayed in the cube. I had a lovely long cuddle with her yesterday afternoon, and was still hopeful she may pull through again. Sadly not this time. :(


The other 3 chooks seem ok, but I will keep a very beady eye on them.

Sleep well my little one, we will really miss you.

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Cash, my 1st laying GNR passed away in her sleep last night. She had been getting weaker over the past few weeks and had been looking poorly for the last 2 days. She had her favourite meal of corn and grapes yesterday. Got to try and break it to the kids now :? Lets hope the new hen gets on with Tango the other GNR!

Thanks for the help over the years.

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Darcy Vader our oldest first girl died this week. She had slowed right down in the last few months and has looked hunched for two days. We came home to find her at rest. She was a beautiful hen who will be missed. She has had a very good life. I'm off to knit a black memorial hen for DD aged 7.

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This is Selma...who ran and hid somewhere in the garden last night...and was found by Mr Fox.....Silly Selma...I'll miss your 40 fags a day creaky bokbok, and your obsession with chasing bees.


I can't get a picture to upload....I'll try later....

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Too sad to post until now. Iris was the Cream Legbar that I'd been wanting for ages and the last one that the breeder had left this year. She was a very pretty chicken, called Iris for the goddess of the rainbow. She had a happy week running around my garden before she fell ill with a mystery ailment. I tried my best to bring her back to health, but she wasn't strong enough and was buried at the bottom of my garden on Sunday.


My three year old wanted to know where she was yesterday and I had to explain. Sometimes chicken keeping can be hard.

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I had Coco my little silkie cross PTS today. she had been on antibiotics for three weeks for a respiritory infection but hadn't responded and had lost a lot of weight. i had been giving her food and water by syringe for the last couple of days but came home today to find her struggling to breath. I didn't think I 'd be so upset but it shows how attached we become to our girls. :(

She was always the noisiest of the girls and if she had been human she would have been a dizzy blonde. RIp little one.

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Ruby my final ex-battery hen died last Saturday. She developed egg yolk peritonitis just as Hilda had done last July. This time however, I knew what was wrong. It was very sad to have to have her put down. Still she did have a great year digging up my garden and showing the younger hens who's boss even though they both towered above her. What was sad was that the younger hens, for the first couple of nights, did not sleep in her spot in the hen house. It seemed as if they were showing her respect. In reality though they probably thought she was coming back and was about to give them a ticking off for being so impudent! Miss you loads Ruby and Hilda.

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Au revoir Beaker and Flappy.


Flappy the white crested black poland hen passed away overnight September 26-27th the same night that my aunt passed on. She was a healthy happy bird, and we have no idea why she went to the big coop in the sky, I guess just one of those things.


Then yesterday our chamois poland boy Beaker died. He had not thrived well for a number of weeks and this was an expected passing, but has left a big hole in my son's heart as Beaker was the very first hatched of this years chicks, and *his* bird. It coincided with the birth of our new baby, and is a sore loss.


Here's hoping nature deigns to let us have a few more family members soon as our chickens are diminishing.

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We had Gerry, our Cream Legbar PTS this afternoon. She was such a lovely chicken with her funny hairdo and her rusty breast feathers. She could hardly walk and it is suspected she had Marek's. Apparently Cream Legbars are very susceptible to Marek's. I have one very sad 9 year old son. :( She had a great life and will be missed.

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RIP one of my little white and brown quail, who I had to dispatch this morning.

Fox or something got her through the eglu bars - masses of white feathers on the outside, and I found her crouching in the eglu nest box with a huge hole in her wing/chest.

I had to do the deed :( myself and it was not nice. but at least it was quick and she wasnt suffering anymore.

RIP little birdie.

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