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christmas work dos!

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Right whos got Christmas partys coming up? Got my hubbys next Sat, teachers can get quite rowdy, don,t know what gets into them! oh yes DRINK :lol: dug out my little black frock from a few years ago, nothing much in the shops :x so just got some new shoes :D got any plans any of you?

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mine is Friday with carvery meal (great - im a veggie) and dancing at the disco in the pub with the girls from work.


I dont have anything to wear :shock: Im a very casual person and dont have many "dressy" outfits, I have ooodles of jeans, fleeces and trainers - I dont even own any stiletto shoes.....dont think I'll get away with trainers :cry:


Hubby is having his this saturday - which insists of loads of blokes trawling the pubs in the neighbouring village - I then get a drunken slurred phone call at 11pm asking to come and pick him up = followed by lots of singing in the car, then followed by vomiting out the car window and then falling asleep till we get home :oops::wink::D


To be honest I dont want to go anywhere - Im quite happy at home in my pj's with my tree, my nibbles and my christmassy films!!

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Mine's Wednesday evening, so our teacher's do won't be too rowdy... work the next day! :x Just a nice meal in a local pub. Got to buy a Secret Santa present though, and don't know what to get my recipient.... I am rubbish at shopping... She'll probably just end up with a lovely box of Green and Black's.

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The British Rail LMR Christmas get-togethers in Birmingham during the late 80s / very early 90s were amazing and not to be missed.


However, for me a "Christmas Do" these days would be more of a banana skin than anything and I generally avoid them. :(


Was that the one last week-my Dad went to something like that last week. Now if we could arrange to go and have a get together there next christmas would be brilliant as I could definitely get a lift to go there as my Dad always goes.

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I've got my official work gathering on Thursday, A Hollywood Ball at Pinewood Studios, (note to self: Collect tux from dry cleaners monday pm)


Should be a brilliant evening and staying locally so can drink sensibly :wink:


and then in the New Year, we'll be having our branch outing for all the staff (only myself, my manager and the other duty manager are going to Pinewood!) to which work chip in £40 per head but only £20 if we went before Christmas - but we haven't decided on where we're going yet!


This year is brilliant - work are paying for EVERYTHING! an old adage in the company is the bigger the party the bigger the bonus so I could be VERY happy come the end of March! :wink:


I can't wait - Jimmy's has certainly got me started in the Christmas mood!!




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I could go to 6 parties :shock:


I am in a service department so get invited to all of the other department do's :lol:


I am restrained though and I am only going to 2 8)


First one is on Friday afternoon and my departments one is next Thursday evening :lol:


Lets hope I get home this year :oops:


Not as bad as it sounds by the way :lol:

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My Christmas do was last Friday. Meal (not great and quite expensive :( ) followed by drinks in pub.....no really exciting gossip to report back I'm afraid :(


A bloke from work managed to persuade some lads in the pub that I'm a professional pole dancer (they must have been drunk as they seemed to believe it - i'm sooo un-pole dancer like, plus I've heard stories about bruising so have never tried it! :oops: ). It's funny how they were all of a sudden more interested in trying to chat me up :roll:


I expect to hear much more exciting stories from everyone else's parties instead :wink:

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As we are self employed,our works do,should we have one,would be The Hubby & I out for a meal :lol:


As it is,we give this a miss & he goes out on the lash with his Henley buddies,his School Gate buddies & finally a trip to London his Freemason buddies.


I have a few "quiet" nights out with my girlfriends :P


Do you think a works do for us would be Tax deductable? :think:


Who else is dying to hear about Phils work do's???? :lol:

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Had OH's do last Friday night. Wasn't looking forward to it....the thought of having to dig out posh frock and high heels :x


However, it was a fab night, naturally I didn't eat, drink or make a spectacle of myself on the dance floor :wink:


OH can't recall much of the evening!!!!!!!


My work party is next week, a much more sedate affair, a meal at a local restaurant followed by work the next day. Fab. Can't wait :roll:

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My works do is tomorrow night - Bowling & a meal out, quite a casual affair as we are a small team & from very different backgrounds and have very different interests.


Had an end of term do at the Glee Club in Birmingham and this went down like a lead balloon with one member of our staff - he was still livid a week on :roll::lol:


Oh well you cant win 'em all! :lol::lol:

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I've got my work night out on Friday. There's a large group of us going, so it should be fun, but the venue and catering are not exciting. The local civic centre :roll: . Still, I'll probably eat at home first so I can happily ignore whatever food they choose to serve up, and then join in with the dancing and chatting after.

We also have a lunch in a local restaurant on Thurs 22nd, it's a very nice restaurant, so should be good, and better still the employers pay for it 8)

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Evenin'all :D


I LIKE this thread. I've been to some howlers in my time so this year it should be good.


The place I work has a cafe run by the young people and they and the chef/trainer are cooking our Christmas lunch next Tuesday. Should be cool. 8)


In return, on Thursday I will be a kitchen skivvy for the housing support workers and we are doing a Christmas dinner for all the residents - uber cool! 8)8)

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well this is getting exciting.


I have packed the tux shoes and everything needed, even thought to take a spare set of cuff-links as I bet that the other duty manager doesn't take any with him!


Just got to go shower, drive via Swindon to pick up said colleagues Tux, (he's at work so can't get it) then go to the airport to pick them up!


I expect to be highly merry in a short space of time this evening!


See you soon hic :!:


A :wink:


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Had mine last night.... not great... Secret Santa was quite fun... I pulled out the name of our youngest member of staff, so HAD to buy her some sexy undies. She was very :oops: when she opened them all up in front of everyone.... Meal was great, but I was so tired I sloped off at around 10.15 and left the younger ones to it.... This afternoon I was magically transformed into Queen Elizabeth 1st for our Tudor Banquet with the children. 8) Much more fun!


Andrew, be good! :wink:

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Had mine last night too - total nightmare.


3 staff turned up at 8 when we were due to bowl at 7 & they were already 3 sheets to the wind :roll: one of them nearly took another member of staff out with a bowling ball when it flew backwards instead of down the lane :roll: - was v funny though :lol::lol::lol:


Booked to eat at 8.30 but didnt sit at the table til 9.30 as the restaurant couldnt get rid of the previous table and we didnt get starters til gone 10 :evil: eventually finished the meal while the staff were waiting by the door for us to go so they could leave for home too.


And i wonder why i dont like works dos!!! :roll::roll::roll:

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Our Christmas do is on Saturday, however I have another engagement so will not be going.


We have our Christmas meal at work next Wednesday. This is for all of the none teaching staff. All of us hard wroking cooks and kitchen staff have to prepare, cook, serve and clear up afterwards which is no fun at all. While the rest of the staff go off down the pub after the meal we have to stay and make sure the kitchen is spotless.


This year I decided to boycott the meal in protest 8) Today I heard others have decided to to the same :lol: We will eat our meal in our staff room and start the clearing up sooner. I don't know what the boss will say about that :lol: Can't wait :lol::lol::dance:

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Our Christmas do is on Saturday, however I have another engagement so will not be going.


We have our Christmas meal at work next Wednesday. This is for all of the none teaching staff. All of us hard wroking cooks and kitchen staff have to prepare, cook, serve and clear up afterwards which is no fun at all. While the rest of the staff go off down the pub after the meal we have to stay and make sure the kitchen is spotless.


This year I decided to boycott the meal in protest 8) Today I heard others have decided to to the same :lol: We will eat our meal in our staff room and start the clearing up sooner. I don't know what the boss will say about that :lol: Can't wait :lol::lol::dance:

That's awful - I don't blame you! They should all muck in together to get cleaned up, then everyone can go enjoy themselves! :evil:

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