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Diagnosis at last!!

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I've just had another "Guess where Lauren is" phone call :(


Her other shoulder this time - the radiographer insisted - again - that it wasn't out........this time the doctor agreed with Lauren. He asked for another check on the one she dislocated on Saturday and he decided that Lauren was right about that one as well. She can't move either arm properly.


They are trying to put both shoulders back, she's having gas and air first. They have put her shoulders back using just the gas and air before when they've been worse than most adults who need to have a general.........they're becoming more difficult to put back. She also used to be able to put them back herself but can't anymore.


We sat and read a thread on the EDS forum yesterday, entitled "Dislocations doing the stupidest things?" - it gave us all a good (if rather hollow) laugh. She knows she's not the only one. (I did have to read them out to her and skip a few which were a little adult :shock: - it's amazing what happens to some peoples hips at the most inopportune moments :shock: )


This one she did last night - she was allowed to go to her friend's to play, for an hour. Her Mum crossed her over the main road and her Dad was to pick her up an hour later. Just before she went home she stumbled and put her hand out to steady herself :( She thought it would be OK and didn't mention it until bedtime when she couldn't get undressed. They decided to dose her up with painkillers and prop all her pillows up and wait to see how it was in the morning as she would have been hours at A&E again and they never have a paediatricain or orthopaedic consultant around at night anyway.


Just waiting to hear how they're getting on........it's been some time now :anxious:

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Gas and air and morphine have not worked - they won't go back in. They want to admit her but she's not having it and says "they are back in now - I'll go home"


We're hoping that they will insist - they keep deferring to a 12 year old....... :? - tricky situation.


I need to take the dogs out but have to wait for the next installment.

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One shoulder is now back in and the other they're not sure about - she's on her way home. The doctor managed to get hold of the consultant she first started with for her shoulders and he came to sort it all out. He has referred her to see a specialist in Oxford as he says something must be done now - she can't carry on like this.


Both hospital and school continually treat each individual problem! If the hospital had any sort of computerised medical notes that would see at a glance what is happening here - whoever takes her has to go through the whole list every time.......and then they treat whatever needs looking at :evil:


The school appeared to be helpful at first but have actually been quite ineffective :evil: Lauren's Mum has been reading as much as she can find to see what they were supposed to be doing and they've done very little of it :evil: It's been taking 2 days from a phone call for the SENCO to call back, no work is being sent home, teachers aren't keeping in touch.............luckily Lauren is bright enought to have not fallen behind but she's nowhere near where she could be. She was being fast-tracked (whatever that's called) until she started all this at nine and a half. She should have been referred to EIS (?) but hasn't because the school have been very slow at seeing this as an ongoing problem. Her Mum has found a group called Warks. Parent Partnership and they've been very helpful.


sorry - just needed to rant........ :?


.....the dogs must have their legs crossed by now..........

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Oh, poor Lauren, there just seems to be no end in sight. I can only suggest that you beg her GP to refer her to Great Ormond Street as they have specialists there who will indeed look at the whole problem.


At some point she needs to be able to strengthen the muscles in her shoulders so that they act as stabilisers for her joints. But, of course, she can't do any exercise whilst she's in constant danger of dislocation. Talk about a vicious circle. If she got to see a physio who is an expert in EDS/HMS like i did, they'd be able to give her the most gentle exercises which don't even seem like exercise at first. She needs to build some strength very very slowly.


I really hpe the school gets it's act together as well, they should have something in place by now and with Easter coming up it'll be another fortnight i suppose :roll::evil: They need to be nagged at until they do what they should be doing and if they don't, go to your MP!!!

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It is a bit wearing I must admit. Lauren's Dad had just managed to sort out working from home 2 days a week so that he was able to help - just in time.


Lauren does now have a very good Physio and she's pushing in other areas as well, to get things sorted. We'll ask her about GOSH and see what she can find out Helen. Thank you.


The problem is that until you come up against something like this you don't know what help there may be available - and even the people who do know, like the school, seem reluctant to tell you. I've had far more help from people on here than through any of the channels that should be pointing us in the right direction. I suppose it all costs money.

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Oh Lauren :( (((very very gentle hugs)))


I know it's probably not what you want education wise, but it may be worth looking at some of the organisations that support home schooling. If the 'authorities' are unable to supply the appropriate work for her, you may be able to source it yourself and get some other good ideas about how to keep her education up to date. The best one is Education Otherwise

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Thanks Snowy - it is one option being looked at, and I'll keep that link, but Lauren is very sociable and loves school so the first thing is to see if she can change school.


I think I mentioned before in a schools thread that we have three secondary schools, all about 5 miles away. Two of them are no longer available to children from Lauren's village so she's ended up at her current school - which is a sports academy..........and Lauren loves sports.........she did hope she was going to be well enough to do sport :?


One of the others is very new and has lifts and each child has a locker. My daughter and SIL are going to see the head and see what can be done.


Quite a lot has happened today - DD has spoken to the parents group and they are coming out to see her. She also spoke to the SENCO and mentioned that the school has done none of the things they are obliged to do and Lauren has had no work sent or emailed............three teachers miraculously sent work this afternoon :shock:


DD also spoke to the Paeds. Consultant at Nuneaton and discussed the referral to Oxford. She's OK with Lauren being referred but both she and Lauren's Physio are totally against any surgery - she's too young, her joints are multilaterally unstable and people with EDS do not do well with surgery because of the collagen problem - they often don't heal and joints will pop back out even in the recovery period. The Physio is sorting out a fitting for a Lycra T shirt which may help to hold her shoulders in place.


The Consultant is also already looking at a referral to the residential physio course they hold at Birmingham's Childrens' Hospital - DD did ask about GOSH but Consultant feels that the one in Birmingham one would be more suited to Lauren.

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Such a shame being uprooted to another school and leave her friends, but her health comes first - she's young and bright enough to make new friends too. But goodness me - I sometimes dread reading the post because every time I do Lauren has another do! :shock: Hope I'm not jinxing her from afar! Here's a choccy bunny for her.


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She might just have to share that.......Yum! :D


I dread answering the phone every time it rings.....as does her Mum! :roll:


I phoned to speak to my daughter earlier - she was in the office at the end of their garden and so Lauren answered................"Mummy's in the office, I'll just run and take the phone...." - this involves going across the decking, across the lawn and up a few steps.......


I'm shouting down the phone "don't you dare run - it's raining - it will be slippy" - she made it safely and handed the phone over, then I heard "Lauren!!!! why haven't you got the sling on - I left you with it on......get it back on NOW!!!!"



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She's OK about maybe changing school - she's quite laid back. Her present school is old and very big - lots of classes on five floors.


Due to all the bullying at primary school she hasn't got close friends at school and would be fine at moving and perhaps making new friends.

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....One of the others ...(school)...is very new and has lifts and each child has a locker. My daughter and SIL are going to see the head and see what can be done.


The Consultant is also already looking at a referral to the residential physio course they hold at Birmingham's Childrens' Hospital - DD did ask about GOSH but Consultant feels that the one in Birmingham one would be more suited to Lauren.


Both of these seem to be very good ideas. Birmingham Childrens Hosp. would be particularly appropriate I'd have thought, that would be excellent.

I like the sound of the other school too. She can't be any worse off, & I'm sure she'd settle well.

"Holding in Tshirt" sounds promising.


Best wishes to you all Lesley. xx :)

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I thought about the tight sports tops the other day - dads physio said to get some for his back, they're meant to improve his shoulders/posture.


Hope Lauren gets on ok when she's referred, a change of schools may be good, especially if it would be better for her :)

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Hopeful news, though why you have to stamp your feet to get it is very irritating :roll:


Poor Lauren re the running with the phone....she has the mind and agility of a child with no problems, she obviously forgets that she needs a cotton wool layer, which in some ways is good...ie it's not getting her as down as it could...though not good as this could be one reason for some of the accidents :roll: .........a rock and a hard place situation :anxious:


I hope things come together with the school move or the old one gets it's act together :pray:


I like the idea of the special t-shirt, I wonder why this hasn't been suggested before as it seems a very simple aid?


Sha x

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