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The Weather Thread #9

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It must have eased off last night because I didn't hear the wind and no rain when I let the birds out.  Wind is a little gusty now, but the rain is heavier and steadier.  The flood outside has reappeared as it eventually managed to cope last night and drained away.  Since the rain has started the flood is reappearing for the 7th time - the runoff from the fields is too much for it to cope with.  The drain on the other side of the road (Somerset) is next to useless as it is on a higher part of the road - go figure!  Like what water will go down that anyway!  Any water that does seep down there is directed to the Devon drain because there is a huge channel carved out of the bedrock running down the road underneath the driveway.  It then reaches a culvert that goes under the road and down the lane - this is the county boundary, which follows the lane down to a stream.  The stream is then the county boundary.  That culvert also takes the rain water from the hill the other side of us.  Further along the other side of the hill in front of us, the water goes to another stream which adds to the river Lowman and that in turn joins the river Exe!

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18 hours ago, Luvachicken said:

chickens are back in my dining room.

I’d like to see a photo of that!

17 hours ago, The Dogmother said:

have closed the bedroom window (yes, it IS that bad)

Same here last night DM. It was SO loud until the early hours of the morning but since then has been considerably calmer. Still raining but not so heavy - most of our shorter rivers are dropping now with just the big ones still rising. 

Have opened the chicken run and silly Camilla the campine, Shirley the Plymouth Rock and the three Dutch girls are out getting soaked 🙄

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Cleaned out the chooks in the rain and did a spot clean at the front of one run where the rain had got in; all that strapping down and bricks on the runs last night paid off - less flapping of tarps and all sound and dry today. Chooks were ranting to get out earlier, so they had a play while I cleaned them out, then scurried back under cover when the rain started again.

Walked the dogs in the rain, and we quite enjoyed it until the homeward stretch was into the wind and rain.

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Just had the loudest and brightest clap of thunder / flash of lightning I’ve ever experienced. I was watching the small but very potent storm cloud get closer and closer - even with a 30 second gap between lightning and thunder it was loud so I new they must be big ones, but then all of a sudden, after about 5 minutes of quiet, an absolute bomb went off right above us - momentarily blinded me, made me jump so badly I did a LOT of swearing and instantly caused the power to go off as far as I could see. Very dramatic!!!

I went make sure the girls were ok, and they said ‘will you go away with that torch it’s hard enough to sleep out here as it is’ - there’s gratitude for you!

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I can see those on the lightening maps - much as I love storms, I hope they don't come up this way - codul do without being woken up by the dogs howling in the small hours.

We had a biblical flood at 4.30 this afternoon - it got blacker and blacker, then the heavens opened. It was so loud on the office roof that it was like very loud white noise! Roads are flooded again and the drains are bubbling up alongside the roads. I see that there's more rain due this week too :roll:

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After some heavy snow from 5am, it is now all dripping. Just 2deg though and the roads are clear.

Like we need any more wet! :roll: We aren't flooded like some poor folks, but everywhere is very boggy and the water table is so high that any further rain pushes it over the edge and all the drains start to bubble up alongside the roads.

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Been told that where we used to live was under water last week, apparently that last happened in 1986, something not mentioned when we bought the place from the people living there at the time, although I did ask. Fortunately the house is set a fair bit higher than the garden and so is the parking area.

Yesterday morning was lovely; managed to do some work outside. But that all changed later and we started with hail, rain all night, winds picking up to quite a strength and increasing later today with thunderstorms. Just been into the barn, where we discovered yesterday a Salamander had dug in to get to the chicken's food; seems its hole has diverted the rainwater and now the corner is wet. Had a look out the back at the rapidly growing weeds in the walkway with the intention of pulling some out between showers and noticed something missing; a poplar tree. It was looking rather sick and so was due to be taken down and replaced in Autumn, but now that part of the job is done. Fortunately the farmer's fence is only slightly damaged. The tree trunk, about a foot diameter, has snapped off at the base, so it was definitely sick.

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 The sheep have been put on the field below us, but this time they've put up an electric fence to save some of the grass.  Well  that didn't last long, 2 days later and the sheep made a bid for freedom for that nice grass on the other side!  By the evening the fence had been trampled down and everyone was in the field.  As I went to put the girls to bed I noticed the quad bikes and sheepdogs doing a round up and they put the fence back up.  We can see the muddy line against the fence and for the most part the field has changed from pretty green to pretty grubby.  So this morning there were a couple of escapees - this evening everyone was out again.  

One farmer has had trouble getting his sheep on the fields, having the fields spread around, he loads them up in a trailer.  Trailers get stuck in the mud and so did his Landy.  So another field, stuck again, someone came to help tow and they got stuck too.  Wife came in her Range Rover but couldn't pull hard enough so in the end had to get a tractor to help.  I guess the farmers are running out of bedding and feed and need to get their animals on good ranging, but the ground is saturated and not long before it is turned into a quagmire.

Our ground hasn't had a chance to dry, one day it is dry and good to walk on but if we have another deluge (and when it rains, it is prolonged heavy rain - and sleet!) it is so bad.  The other day was the first I'd seen laying pools of water on the lawn and in the field.  

Poor Fudge has a muddy tum and that's just rummaging around under the walnut tree!  :(

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I never realised you had cats until today - never thought to look at your signature until I went what? eh? what? :lol:  Gorgeous comfy catty.  

No snow here but it did threaten with a lot of black clouds but they passed without shedding their load.  Quite sunny when they went, but very windy - supposedly 48mph and bitterly cold.  I couldn't see any frost this morning, but there was ice on the duck pools.

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Day 10 of sunshine - with more clouds but plenty of blue in between.  They've let the dairy cows out today - they all marched over to a field somewhere out of my sight - probably across the road further around.  I bet the cows are soooo happy that when they reach the field they'll be galloping around like calves for a short while!  There are more cows in the dairy yard, so their turn next.

Not much of a wind, but when it does blow it is blooming cold!

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