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update on dad- up and down

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my sister has now moved to Liverpool permanently so she's doing some visits, my mum's sis and BIL are taking her some visits and DH is doing some, so it's really taken the pressure off me.

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Thanks for the update, Justine. I was wondering how your Dad was getting along.


At least on a Rehab ward, he will get a good amount of Physio and OT input. I would imagine, given his age and the problems he's had, the new consultant's prediction re timescale is the more accurate, hon. If he has swallowing difficulties, it could be due to the tube he had for ages, but a small stroke [i[is[/i] the most likely cause. I do hope he makes a full recovery.


The "wallpaper paste" is, I assume, a high calorie powder to build him up. It sounds like he needs all the calories he can get, bless him!


Here's more "get well" vibes heading his way! :)

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not good news I'm afraid. We got called into the hospital this morning, fearing the worst! They said he was very poorly but wouldn't say much more on the phone.


We dashed in. He's been bleeding heavily through his stoma and they don't know why yet. He's been given platelets to reverse the effect of the warfarin and he's being given blood at the moment.


We dashed home to see to the girls and will be dashing back shortly.



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thanks for the support xxxx


we've come home now as there's not much we can do, we're all exhausted and he's stable at the moment.


Still being given blood, his stoma isn't bleeding as much at it was, so they're going to monitor him overnight and then they're putting a camera down t'row to see exactly what's going on.


I just hope it's nothing serious but no point trying to 2nd guess what it might be.


I really hope he doesn't have to have more surgery, I'm not sure he can cope with any more :?

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thanks everyone. I'm a big believer in the power of postiive vibes so keep em coming please ;)


Unfortunately he has a very bad ulcer, probably contracted while he's been in hospital as he's not eaten for ages and the acid in his stomach has had nothing to work on except his stomach lining!


The doctor said it will probably need surgery but he's not really strong enough for surgery and they think he might not survive it, so they're waiting a couple of days before deciding what to do. The doctor told mum to prepare for the worst but I just can't find it in my heart to think that way :? I think I'm in denial/shock!????

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