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Guest Poet

update on dad- up and down

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That's fantastic news hun. I'm so relieved for you all. Sure this is going to be the turning point now :lol: and black cats are definitely lucky - unless they are like mine who has a white pencil thin moustache and is the feline equivalen of Leslie Phillips :lol:


Love & Best Wishes to all of you xx

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Hello Poet,


I've just had a rollercoater ride reading this thread. My heartfelt wishes go out to you and all your family. Caring after a loved one when they are so ill is such an effort and all consuming in every way. I'm pleased things look on the up now and I hope they continue to do so for you.


Bigg Cyber Hugs,



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sorry to have caused any offence to any nhs staff out there, who still care for their patints.. 4 on at night?? Golly! There were several nights when there was one payrolled staff member between 4 wards with only agency staff, all of whom were about 20 if that when mum was in.I stayed over , in a chair then.

I'm so pleased your Dad is a bit better, you've really been through it. As time goes on, cut yrself some time out, as you'll need it, it's the little things that keep you sane..... glad you've dropped the fags, it'll only make your clothes smell, then... more laundry!!

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was there yesterday from 3pm to about 6.30pm then back at 8pm til about 10pm. It's about an hour round trip so it took up most of the day. I didn't go on weds. When I saw him on tuesday he seemed to be doing really well. I saw him on thursday night and he was mostly asleep but seemed peaceful. Yesterday (1st visit) he seemed very pale and a bit confused again and he hadn't eaten anything.


He's dehydrated so he's back on a drip as he's not eating or drinking for himself. You kind of have to be a bit forceful and GET him to eat otherwise he just wants to sleep but if you're forceful (in a gentle way) then he'll eat. The nurses haven't got time to sit and feed him (although I really do think that that is their job! :evil: ) so when his dinner came, I helped him eat it. He had mashed potato and mince and he ate about 1/2 which was really good (I ate the other 1/2 cos I was starving by that time! He wasn't going to eat it anyway :oops: ) then he ate 1/2 of his tub of ice cream and drank 1/2 a glass of water and a bit of blackcurrant energy drink (forti something or other!?).


I think they've got him sedated so he's sleeping a lot, which is good as he will heal while asleep but then again they're not feeding him! We're going to make sure we are there at meal times so we can help him eat. God help those patients that don't have relatives to help them! :roll:


When we went back for the 2nd visit, he seemed to have more colour in his cheeks (possibly because he'd had some food) still mostly asleep but rousable and can answer questions.


Saw the surgeon (who is so nice!) and he said as far as he is concerned everything is going fine, he said he's been popping in to see dad about twice a day he's going to get dad taken off the sedatives and see if that helps his confusion etc. He even gave me and mum a kiss on the cheek so now we're both in love with him! :oops::lol: I think he's Egyptian and he's very charming!


Mum and sis are doing the 1st visit today, sis is freaking out about having to help dad eat. I think she is seeing it as role reversal and it makes her feel weird whereas I'm just seeing it as helping him eat because at the moment he can't quite manage for himself. I've been in hospital and needed a bit of help with my food at the time so I can empathise whereas I don't think she can. She said something which upset me/annoyed me a bit, "I don't work in the caring profession and I can't do it". I told her to get over herself and it's our dad and she needs to help him :oops:


Anyway, mum's going to call me if she needs me to help, otherwise I have got tons to get on with here so instead of ranting, I'd better get on with it! :lol:

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Some positives there Poet.


Let's hope the lightening of the sedation will do the trick.


Maybe a few tasty morsels from home might encourage your Dad to eat a bit more.


Hospital mince is a bit grim!


forgot to say, he also ate 1/2 a muller corner we took in, we're trying him on muller rice and yoghurts and might buy some little pots of custard. I suggested to mum we could even try baby food if he won't eat the rice, we'll see how it goes.

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You're doing so well, and so will he; keep a bit of food going down , and yr right, the nurses will not take the time to feed the patients, it's the relatives who do it 9 times out of 10. Steel yrself, fix up a rota, and take in yr own food. I used to take in soup, with added milk in it, and ambrosia custards, as it slides down easy, but take care if he reacts to fat, ie gallstones, or some like thing, as then it causes tummy ache.(experience of "after the diagnosis" guilt here)

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Just an idea Poet, in similar circumstances we used to take in 'energy' type sports drinks for my dad. It's very important that someone in his situation drinks enough, and these sports bottles were easy (once someone had opened them!) as you can hold them in one hand and drink from the sort of spout thing, they don't need to be poured into a glass.


I don't know if your dad would like these but there are lots of different sorts to try.


Hope things improve with the sedation being reduced.

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Keep going Poet - it's difficult when it comes down to feeding a parent, but like you say, it needs doing........


Don't use baby food unless you have to - they can be a bit bland and won't tempt him to eat more. The custards and rice puddings are good.


I used to make an enormous veggie casserole and leave it in a labelled container in the ward fridge. I used to heat up a portion at a time in the microwave and mash it slightly for my Gran. She didn't eat in hospital because she was nearly blind and A. - she couldn't see to eat, even if the food was in front of her...... and B. the emergency button was always left where she couldn't reach it and ask for help :evil: We took it in turns to be there at meal times.


It is worth it to see them gradually get better. I hope it all goes well for you.

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dad's been moved to ICU, he's got fluid in his lungs, possibly a chest infection or pneumonia. He's totally sedated and on a ventilator. need your prayers and good vibes more than ever before.


got to dash, came home to grab a bite to eat, dashing back in a bit :?

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