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Omlet Website - New Area

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Hi Everyone,


We're currently in the process of adding a new area to the website - 'Omlet Accounts' - where you can view your orders, edit your contact details, change your delivery address and change your password.


We've tested it internally as much as we can, and our lovely Omlet Moderating Team have been a huge help, but before we unleash it on the general public I was hoping that you guys would like to have a look and give us your opinion!




All bug reports and suggestions are gratefully recieved!



Omlet Web Developer

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All bug reports and suggestions are gratefully recieved!


Cool. But it doesn't show the refund Omlet kindly made on the run which I sent back with the van (as I had built a run). I have had the refund - it is there on my last credit card statement - but perhaps the database on the web site isn't "connected" to the Omlet accounts database.

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Worked OK for me.


My only feedback is perhaps you should make it clear that the Unit Price shown is with VAT. I did a double take when I saw my converter was £40 then got my calculator out and added the VAT and it became the basket total. You might get queries from numpties like me who are a bit slow on the uptake......

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Hmmm, it won't 'recognise' me at all Matt. I also tried creating a new account, but it says that I already have one so I must be on there somewhere. I used my email address and current forum password, and also tried my old password just in case. :?


Perhaps it's because I never order online - I just call Jan or email her and pop over to collect the stuff.



Any ideas? I'd love to be able to see my account

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I found the log in page difficult. There was text all over the heading and I couldn't 'tab' to the right box to log in.


I eventually managed to get into a 4th box at the bottom of the right-hand column and logged in. All my details were correct and I'm thrilled to find I have spent £75 in the last 15 month! Not bad. :D

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