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bit sad about my dog

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i told you all before that my 11 yr old dog died a couple of weeks ago. just before he died we had a burglary and he went downhill immediately.


the police have contacted me - it appears that they have some teenagers for the burglaries in the area as a response to a number of interviews with some witnesses - it appears that my dog was in the garden during the day and been hit over the head a number of times and had rocks thrown at him. so i must have been at home and never realised this (how i don't know).


this would explain why he didn't bark that night- and why he had a couple of fits (never had one before).


apparently they also repeatedly "booted" a dog down the road to quieten him.


i am gutted a bit now How can anyone do this and it is rather worrying that this is the behaviour of some scumbag about to be kept by the public purse.


i cannot prove now that they killed the dog as bert has been cremated - but the vet said that she had not seen a dog go down so quickly and therefore suspected an aggressive brain tumour. i am waiting for the vet to ring me to tell her what the police have told me, just to see if it plausable.

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I'm so sorry. You couldn't have done anything, but it doesn't help me saying , I wish it did. I don't understand why humans are degenerating as fast as they are, as a breed, we are really not too pleasant. I think there is no shame any more , and no-one is held responsible for their own actions.

Hence I live quietly, and try not to be noticed; and we live in a village.It must be hell in a town.

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Oh my goodness... that is upsetting...

I don't understand how people can behave like that... no wonder you are feeling sad, I'd be devastated to think of any of my pets being harmed by anyone...




I hope something can be sorted, as Louise said if someone could witness, surely you'd have a case? I know it wouldn't bring your beloved dog back, but people shouldn't get away with what they did...

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That's so appalling. Sadly you'll never prove it and even if it could be proved the courts are so ineffective it wouldn't make much difference anyway. I think they should have their hands cut off too, or have to spend 10 minutes in a room with their victims. People like this are a disgrace to the human race and (doing the job I do) it makes me wonder what on earth is going on that we seem to be breeding more and more if these morons. There's a lot to be said for the death penalty.


Mrs B

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Im sat here with my hand over my mouth in disbelief. :cry::cry:


I really really hate cruelty to animals and how some yobs/burglars can do this to a poor defenceless dog is beyond me. :evil::evil:


im so sorry, it must be really upsetting for you. I know how I would feel.


I really dont know what to say. :cry:

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Little "Ooops, word censored!"s. :twisted::twisted:


I know what I would do to them given half a chance.


These people truly are the scum of the earth.

Let's hope they get what's coming too them.


I hope that you and your family can get over this dreadful episode.





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You poor thing - what a dreadful dreadful thing to do to a animal, and how awful and unsettling for you to find out this way.


Whatever you do, don't blame yourself for not knowing what happened in the garden, there was nothing you could do to prevent it, indeed it could have been a lot worse.....


Your darling dog knew he was loved to distraction by his family and he would have known that the attack was from strangers. Although this is awful and very distressing, try to remember the fun you had with him, the mischief he got up to - and don't let those dreadful yobs take that from you.


Huge hugs and a couple of smelly woofly slobbers from my two hounds.



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