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Whats happened to my baby???

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NO chance of another one!! Sent the OH to get it sorted whilst I was pregnant - knew I'd get broody again otherwise! :lol:


I loved his curls too, but it was getting very thin and all the blonde hair at the end was his first, very fine, baby hair. Plus it was getting so knotty he wouldn't let me brush it :roll: It was his brother we took to the barbers, but he asked if he could have his done as well. And he gave up his dummy a couple of weeks ago as well. I think he's had enough of being seen as the baby :lol:

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Doesn't he look grown up :D I did like the curls though.


I wish he would have a word with my Jack. I drove him into town yesterday to get his hair cut. Mega trantrum in the car on the way there :shock: I gave up and took him home again :evil: Jack is seventeen :lol:

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Oh my - he's gorgeous but looks so more grown up after the hair cut.


My son did the same and I cried when he had it cut short - now if course its gone the other way and at 18 he's now got shoulder length wavy blond hair. I've told him if he ever gets it cut he's going to have to warn me first - I'll be crying buckets :shock:

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Awwww.....it really suits him Snowy. Growing up now.


I've had to swallow a lump this weekend too. We've moved Stefan out of his nursery and into the big bedroom with a bed!


His cot looks so empty. And his old room looks bare now.


He's not a baby anymore. It's all going far too quickly!



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never mind the hair (which is great both ways) those eyes are gorgeous, he will definately be a heart breaker.


We were forced into DS's first haircut when his big sis decided to play hair dressers and cut off one side an emergency trip to the barbers at 5.30 one dark winter night :roll:

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